Arpaio said his office received information regarding the leaswe and other business dealings and that his investigation is not related to disputesz with Wilcoxover immigration. Wilcox and her Earl, own El Portal Restaurantg in Phoenix and has a concessions contract with the airport fora Chili’w Too franchise in Terminal 4. The Maricopa Count y Sheriff’s Office sent the Phoeniz Aviation Department a public records request June 11 askinthe city-run airport to make available lease, sublease and contractinyg documents related to business entities ownefd by the Wilcoxes.
Wilcox did not respond to requests for commenty from the PhoenixBusiness Journal, but has told othed media that Arpaio is going aftert her because of her opposition to his immigrationm policies. The sheriff’s officse investigation of Wilcox is the latesg in a number of fightsbetween Arpaio, Maricopa County Attornegy Andrew Thomas and the Maricopa Countyh Board of Supervisors. Wilcox and Supervisor Don Stapleyy voted Wednesday toblock $1.4 million in state moneh earmarked for Thomas’s officde to enforce immigration and human smuggling laws. The boarsd deadlocked at 2 to 2 on that vote stallinbg thestate money.
Supervisor Max Wilson missed the vote becausse of illness and the matter couldbe revisited. Stapley and Wilcox earlief this year tried toblocl $1.6 million in stat funding for Arpaio’s immigration Wilcox said the sheriff’se immigration sweeps and policies unfairl target Hispanics. Thomas and Arpaio secured indictments against Stapleyu last year charging that he faileed to properly disclose business and real estate development Stapley denies wrongdoing inthat matter.
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