Friday, September 30, 2011

Metro plans to build new bus facility - Phoenix Business Journal:
The facility will house 114 Metro but if the land isfully developed, up to 250 busezs will be able to live The new bus facility, expectefd to be ready as early as 2012, will be buily at a site known as D.C. Metro wants the facility to meet environmentalo standards that would enable it to receives a Silver rating underthe U.S. Green Building Council’d program for Leadership in Energy andEnvironmental Design. The new facilityg will replace the Southeasternbus garage, which was sold for $69.245 million and vacated last year because of its closeness to Nationals Park. The land at D.C. situated at Shepherd Parkway and Blue Plains was appraisedat $8.05 The sale's $6.
45 million price tag representws the appraisal value minus the additionalk operating costs of $1.6 million incurred by Metrop for moving the buses. Busea that had been runninv out of the Southeastern bus garage have been dispersexd to other garages in the region at an additionaloperating cost. Until the new facilityh is completed, the additional operating costsw for the buses will be fundedfrom Metro’ s operating reserve account, whichj was created from the proceedds of the Southeastern bus garage sale. The final sale of propertuy must first be approved bythe D.C.
Council, whichu will consider it at a June2

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Herman Cain 2012 campaign sees payoffs from decisive victory - Politico


Herman Cain 2012 campaign sees payoffs from decisive victory


Though he won decisively, the results are largely seen as more significant because of Rick Perry's distant second-place finish after a strong push to win. Cain's still trailing in the polls รข€" the most recent, released Monday by CNN and ORC ...

Herman Cain's Magic Moment

American Spectator


Sunday, September 25, 2011


Daewoo Refrigerators


An-Hung Yao and Yu-Ting Lin were each charged with three counts of counterfeiting, Class D felonies; three counts of theft, Class D felonies; and one count of corrupt business influence, a Class C felony. They each filed a motion to dismiss  »

Friday, September 23, 2011

Microsoft, Red Hat Spar Over Secure Boot-loading Tech - PCWorld


Microsoft, Red Hat Spar Over Secure Boot-loading Tech


Is Microsoft using a next-generation computing boot-loading technology to lock out the use of Linux and other OSEs on certain computers? While Microsoft has denied malicious intent, one Red Hat developer maintains that this ...

Demystifying UEFI, the long-overdue BIOS! replacement


Will Windows 8 PCs Lock Out Linux? (blog)


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Genesee Beer to make comeback - South Florida Business Journal:
The renewed effort will includr merging the sales and marketing teams from Labatg USAand Genesee, once a recognized beer in Western New York. The company said it has begunb $6 million in upgrades and will investanother $4 millionn in 2010. “Positive changes are brewing,” said Rich Lozyniak, the new CEO of Nortgh American Breweries. “We’re reviewing every aspectr of our business to strengthenthe brewery’ s position.” NAB said it will upgrade breweruy equipment, make necessary repairs and add boiler controles and steam economizers that reduce energy consumption. The changesw are expected to bring annual operating saving s of morethan $1 million.
In addition to Genesee, the breweryy produces Seagram’s Escapes, as well as Dunded Ales and Lagers family ofcraft brands, which includexs the Original Honey Brown The Rochester company distributesw several imports, including Imperiall from Costa Rica, Steinlager from New Zealand, Toohey’e New from Australia and Thwaites from the U.K.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Sheriff Arpaio: Wilcox investigation goes beyond airport leases - Orlando Business Journal:
Arpaio said his office received information regarding the leaswe and other business dealings and that his investigation is not related to disputesz with Wilcoxover immigration. Wilcox and her Earl, own El Portal Restaurantg in Phoenix and has a concessions contract with the airport fora Chili’w Too franchise in Terminal 4. The Maricopa Count y Sheriff’s Office sent the Phoeniz Aviation Department a public records request June 11 askinthe city-run airport to make available lease, sublease and contractinyg documents related to business entities ownefd by the Wilcoxes.
Wilcox did not respond to requests for commenty from the PhoenixBusiness Journal, but has told othed media that Arpaio is going aftert her because of her opposition to his immigrationm policies. The sheriff’s officse investigation of Wilcox is the latesg in a number of fightsbetween Arpaio, Maricopa County Attornegy Andrew Thomas and the Maricopa Countyh Board of Supervisors. Wilcox and Supervisor Don Stapleyy voted Wednesday toblock $1.4 million in state moneh earmarked for Thomas’s officde to enforce immigration and human smuggling laws. The boarsd deadlocked at 2 to 2 on that vote stallinbg thestate money.
Supervisor Max Wilson missed the vote becausse of illness and the matter couldbe revisited. Stapley and Wilcox earlief this year tried toblocl $1.6 million in stat funding for Arpaio’s immigration Wilcox said the sheriff’se immigration sweeps and policies unfairl target Hispanics. Thomas and Arpaio secured indictments against Stapleyu last year charging that he faileed to properly disclose business and real estate development Stapley denies wrongdoing inthat matter.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Should White Castle have accommodated overweight customer? - Daily American Online

Should White Castle have accommodated overweight customer?

Daily American Online

At first glance this appears to be an erroneous lawsuit that makes a mockery of the nation's judicial system. Martin Kessman, 64, New York, is suing fast-food chain White Castle because he can't comfortably sit in their booths. ...

and more »

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Cocoa Dolce plans fall move to Bradley Fair - Nashville Business Journal:
The Wichita-based chocolate maker will open ina 1,800-square-foot spac e between the new Il Vicino restauranrt and around Labor Day. The addition brings to 53 the numbed of stores and restaurants in Bradley Cocoa Dolce’s announcement comes on the heels of Francesca’s Collections move to the east Wichitz shopping center, which will open in August in the 2,100-square-foot space previously occupied by Genevieve G Shoes. Cocoa Dolcre will vacate its 1,200 square-foot spaced in the Siena Plaza near 37th Street North and Rock where the retail side of thebusineszs operates. The business last year opened a production site at3540 N. near Cocoa Dolce opened in November 2005.
Cocowa Dolce owner Beth Tully says moving to Bradlegy Fair will help thebusinesas grow. “The more we thought aboutg it, we realized that — as much as we love Sienza Plaza – it’s not a shopping plaza,” Tully says. “It’s not tailoredf for busy retail. This really will be the first time we can desighn a space that is tailored to our Thenew location, she says, will allow the businesas to expand its Chocolate Lounge — a coffee and wine area concept, increasing seating capacity from around 20 to more than 30. Tullgy hopes the new location will generatwe additionalfoot traffic.
“We’ve been reallyu fortunate to continue to have a positivew cash flow and good sales each Tully says. “We feel the Bradley Fair move will help us kick it up a Christi Royse of handled the transaction forBradlety Fair. Aaron Michaelis, Bachrodt Commercial represented Cocoa will remodel the BradleyFair site. Tully declinexd to say how much the renovationwill

Monday, September 12, 2011

[Review] Anthrax 'Worship Music' - Bloody Disgusting

Zoiks! Online

[Review] Anthrax 'Worship Music'

Bloody Disgusting

Now that the length of time has sunk in, you can understand why Worship Music holds such high expectations for fans. The question is, "Did this length of time work for or against Anthrax?" Well dear readers, check after the jump for your answer! ...

Anthrax - Worship ! Music

Anthrax: Worship Music Review


ANTHRAX Members Talk 'Big Four', 'Worship Music' On FOX NEWS (Video) - Sep. 12 ...

Zoiks! Online (blog)


Saturday, September 10, 2011

SJ Mercury workers reach tentative contract deal, includes 9% in pay cuts - Dayton Business Journal:
An additional 2 percent cut in pay would take effect in The Media Workers Guild represents 257 MercuryNews employees, including abougt 130 in editorial jobs and 127 in circulation, finance and support A ratification meeting to discuss and vote on the proposed contrac is scheduled for Monday afternoon. If approved, it would last 18 expiring Nov. 30, 2010. Other concessions include reduced vacationb accruals and the relocation ofthe Merc’s copy desk to Walnugt Creek, where MediaNews’ is It owns the Mercury News and 11 othe r daily papers in the region, whichy include virtually all of the dailyt papers in the Bay Area excepg the and .
“This contracrt settlement represents our best efforts at protecting jobs and quality at theMercuryt News,” the Guild’s San Francisco-based Local 39521 said in a “It is not something that we recommend lightly.” Mac Tully, the Mercuryy News’ publisher and president, could not immediately be reached for commentr about the tentative agreement. The deal would also permit managemenf to require up to five furlough days in move remaining circulation and finance jobs to the Bay AreaNews Group’x shared services center in San Ramon, consolidatre advertising functions in the East Bay and San hire commission-only sales representatives to develop new and win some additional subcontracting rights, accordingt to the Guild.
The contract negotiations have taken place durinh grim times fordaily newspapers. Severall major papers have folded inrecent months, including the and the print version of the , and many majorf metropolitan papers, including the San Francisco Chronicle, , , and face daunting financial challenges.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

House passes historic climate bill - The Business Review (Albany):
Congressmen David Wu, Kurt Schrader and Earl Blumenauer voted forthe bill, known as the American Cleab Energy and Security Act. It is the first bill in U.S. historyy to cap carbon pollution. It also encourages development of cleah energy and requires utilities to get 20 percent of thei power from renewable sourcesby 2020. Forty-four Democrats votee against the bill, including Eugene Democrayt Peter DeFazio. Republican Greg Walden, who represents eastern Oregon, also opposedc the bill. It passecd by a seven-vote margin, “Some votes just feel and today’s was truly historic,” Blumenauer said in a statement.
“Fore the first time, Congress has taken actiojn to rein in global warming pollution andjumpstar America’s clean energy The bill is expected to face a contentious debater in the Senate.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

FSU president to step down - Business First of Buffalo:
The 63-year-old made the announcement during a Board ofTrusteesz meeting. He said he would remain in office until a new president can be After that, he will be appointef as a tenured professor in the College of according to a news release on the university’ds Web site. In a letter to Board of Trustees ChairmanJim Wetherell, who has served as president since January 2003, said the timingt is right to step down to pursue other interests, including teaching and spending more time with his “This decision is based in large part on my beliefr that the next three years are going to be a highlyu crucial and challenging time for Florida State University,” Wetherelo wrote.
He noted that his contract will be ending in the next year or so and that it woulcd not be a prudent for the university to changre leadership at such acritical junction. “I believe the university needs and deservese a strong leader who has the energy to be involverd in the initial stages ofthe university’xs reorganizational process and the abilityg and desire to make a long-term commitment and comprehensive managementf decisions to move Florida Statwe ahead in these challenging he wrote Wetherell was the first Florida Statw alumnus to serve as president.
He earnedr his bachelor’s and master’s degreeds as well as a doctorate in educatiob administration fromFlorida State. He will leave the university after more than 35 yeara of experiencein Florida’s educational system.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Warmington Homes builds against the tide in downtown San Jose - Washington Business Journal:
The Costa Mesa company believes theproductg — single family houses — and its location near Japantown is a good bet. Mark Warmington’s Northern California division president, said the developmen t is a unique one for downtown San which has been constructing towering high This project has a suburban flavor andfeaturews two-story homes, with a small yard and two-car The 2,000-square-foot homes will start in the mid- to high The builder will construct four in the first phase. In downtown San Jose, there have been no single-famil detached homes built in the lastfew years, Rowsom said. Warmington purchased the 10-acre industrial site in Decembet 2008.
Standard Pacific Homes had an option on the land in 2006 at the top the marker and began work onthe project. But Standare walked away when the market soured and creditfbecame unavailable. The property reverted back to the original San Jose Property Investment LLCand DAK, a California general partnership. Warmington bought the land from San Jose Propertgy Investmentand DAK. The compan has an agreement with the original owners to develop the propertyin phases. “This is an extendefd build-out, it’s not a said Matt Tingler, Warmington’s executiver vice president. “We’re very sensitive to oversupply.
” Irvine-baseds Standard Pacific Homes, a major developer of projects inthe hard-hity Central Valley, did not return callsw seeking comment. Tingler would not disclose the purchase but he made it clear the builder is operating as economicallyas “Since approximately 2006 we stopped buyinh land and resolved to sell throughg our existing portfolio of Tingler said. “We have a handful of projects still remaining thatare tough.
But, since we never overextended during the we now have fewer troubled projects to work This most recent acquisition comes at an opportune time for The company has trimmed its portfolio from 30 projects to a number Tingler said Warmington is verycomfortable with. Its determinationm to get lean presents itsown challenges. Now the homebuilder is almosy outof homes. “We sold out of Viridian in San Jose and Vantagd inPalo Alto,” Tingler said. “. We had a ton of producrt that we movedthrough quickly, and we paid back our Now we’re out of product.
” That strategy, is serving Warmington well as it pursues its next line — managinv distressed assets for three Comerica Bank, Guaranty Plus Properties 2 LLC and Bank of Tingler said Warmington started chasing the business 18 months ago — befor the market was ready. Now there’s a lot of although little is located in the core Bay Area market — most is currently in the tertiaru markets in the Central Valley. Warmington competede against other builders for the business that can entaipl everything from securing the propertyt to ensuring there isno vandalism.
“We’rr not acting as a we’re not selling the property for the but we can givea builder’s perspective of what it’es worth,” he said. Warmington is a veteran of such business, Tinglefr said, having performed similar dutiees during the last major housinbg recession in the late 1980s and early The company has agreed to sell more than 600 homees in five markets located in Southernn California and Nevada for TriPacific CapitalAdvisors LLC. Askec whether the work paid well, he said, “From our perspective, any revenuse coming in represents dollars that we wouled nototherwise have.
The goal is to help our financiao partners while at the same time generat revenue to helpcover overhead.” It also keeps Warmingtoh abreast of what’s going on in many markets. Rowson said the South Bay has the greatesy opportunityfor upside. At a seminar therd was talk that said the marketyis close, if not at, the “The Bay Area core market have the greatest potential to solidif y right now over the next six monthsa and then show an uptick,” he said.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Survey: Hiring slowly improving - Philadelphia Business Journal:
Those two sectors employ more than 90 percent ofthe nation’s private-sectof workers. The Alexandria, Va.-based association’d report is based on a monthly survehy of human resource professionals at more than 500 manufacturing and 500servicews companies. Employment expectations for June aredown 37.1 perceny in manufacturing and down 8.2 percent in the servicexs segment. In the manufacturing sector, 24.5 percenrt plan to hire in June, which is the highest percentagew of such companies that said they will add jobs sincsNovember 2008. In addition, 25.9 percentr said they will trim payrolls. In the services a net total of 24.8 percent of corporations will creatr jobsin June, with 41.
4 perceny saying they will hire and 16.6 percent saying they will cut jobs. That 41.4 percent represents the highesft such tally since September 2008 inthat sector. A combinationh of unemployed people seeking work and less jobs to go arouned means recruiting difficulty in both sectorsz in May was way down compared with ayear ago. In the manufacturinyg sector, a net of 23.8 percen of companies had less difficulty with recruitinglast month, and in the servicr sector, a net of 35.8 percent of companies said the same.