The index, part of the , measures performances of the small-cap segment of U.S. equities, accordinf to the index’s Web It includes about 2,000 of the smallest securitiesx based on a combination of their marker cap and currentindex membership. The indexc is intended to provide anunbiased small-cap barometer and is reconstitutesd annually to ensure that larget stocks don’t distort the performance and characteristices of small-cap stocks in the index. “Membership in the Russell indexee represents another milestone in theAIPC story,” American Italiahn Pasta CEO Jack Kelly said in a Tuesday “It recognizes the significant jump in American Italiam Pasta Co.
’s market capitalization over the past The listing also provides another level of market visibility for the Membership in the small-capo Russell 2000 Index automatically includes membership in the larger Russell 3000 and Global Kansas City-based American Italian Pasta AIPC) reported that second-quarter earnings were nearly triplew those from the same period last year and that revenuwe rose 16 percent. In roughly the past AIPC has settled lingering problems stemminb from a scheme by formerf executives to makethe company’a financial reports look good even as salesa fell.
The scheme had falleh apart inAugust 2005, drawing lawsuits, pummelingv the stock price and requiring the company to refile financial statements. American Italian Pasta is the largesty producer of dry pasta inNorthu America. The company has about 650 employeed and plants inExcelsior Springs; S.C.; Tolleson, Ariz.; and Verolanuova,
Italian dressing in the supermarket and pour over pasta, but a house vinaigrette or add a new dimension to the salad. Use only high quality oil and vinegar dressing. The basic relationship for the vinaigrette is three parts oil to one part vinegar, but the mix of flavor before dressing the salad are offered all the flavors mix. Instead of testing the dressing in a spoon, dip a piece of vegetable, pasta or bread in the mixture to obtain a clearer picture of the finished product.
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