Friday, December 3, 2010

NCR refutes criticism from Ohio officials - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
The (NYSE: NCR) when Dayton-areas and Ohio leaders tried to contact the compant about rumors it wasleaving town, sayinyg NCR often did not return calls or NCR issued a statement Wednesday, statin g its side of things and implying its level of interactioj with local and state officials was misrepresentedf by area leaders. “We have met regularly with states of Ohio and Dayton officials to discuse the business environmentand NCR’ds requirements. The decision was not made solely onsinglw factors, such as financial incentives. It was basef on a very careful and comprehensiv situation analysis of our employment centers using independengt thirdparty data,” according to NCR.
“The broad range of criteriaa used for the review of the locationws includedavailable workforce, infrastructure, incentives given, the governmenf tax structure and benefits to NCR future employees and stakeholders.” Company spokespeople would not provide specifics of meetings with government officialsx and refused to disclose when their analysis begabn or where Ohio rankecd in that analysis. The statement comes after officials from the city of Montgomery County and Ohio gathered on the footstepws of the Old Court House in downtown Daytom Tuesday toslam NCR. Lt. Gov.
Lee Fishee said the NCR standsfor “No opportunity to Communicatde or Respond,” and officials joined in by telling reporters that all thei efforts to engage the company during the past two yearz were rebuked. Fisher said NCR was one of the first companieaOhio Gov. Ted Strickland and he reached out to when electeedin 2007. Despite numerous overtures, the firs time Strickland actually talked to Nuti was on the eve of therelocatio announcement, Fisher said. Nan Whaley, Dayton city accused the company of failing to conveyh itstrue intentions. City officialxs laid out a timetable they say shows the company was not as responsive the requests for meeting as it shouldhave been.
Accordinh to the city of • In October 2008, Dayton officials requested a meetiny with the highest rankingv localNCR officials, but that was deniedc by NCR. • In January 2009, the city trie to get a meeting, but was unable to. In February, county, city and state officialx had a meeting with three company officialsin Dayton. They were supposex to meet with Chief Executived OfficerBill Nuti, but he did not • On April 20, a meeting with county and city officials took place with NCR which was a pre-meeting for another planned Aprikl meeting. • NCR canceled the second April meetingh and rescheduledfor May. • NCR then cancele the May meeting.
Dayton did not provide meetingv dates prior toOctober 2008.

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