Tuesday, August 23, 2011

and for good reason. The federal stimulus funding, almost $1 trillion, is heavilyu weighted to flow to end-users at the locapl levels of government. Texas, because of its borders, military bases, federal facilities and VA will receivea lion’sz share of the federal As the stimulus funds make their way to cities and there will be differences in the procurementy processes. For instance, many millionws of dollars are available to repair or build newfederalo facilities. Those contracts will be awarded through federaolprocurement processes. Contracts tied to low-income housing upgrades, infrastructurse projects and public safety will be awarded by thevarious cities.
Energy-efficiency work, technology upgrades, renovation and construction projects will be awarder byschool districts. The only real differencre will be which type of governmental jurisdictionm is slated to handle theprocurement process. The federa government will be spending millions to upgradr all types of facilities throughout For example, the Recovery Act includews a hefty $1 billion for the for nonrecurrinb maintenance and energy projects. Both the and the are administeringh programs that will result in acombined $631 millio worth of contracting opportunities in Texas. The DoD lists 196 new construction and energy conservation projectstotaling $305.7 million for Texas.
That does not include the plannedd construction ofa $500 million-plus replacement hospital facilityu at Fort Hood in Killeen. The allocation for Texase military facilities is the largest ofany state. Georgia ranks second with $108 million in funding. GSA, through its Publi c Building Service, has detailed how it will spensdits $5.55 billion authorization, including $325 millioj in funding for projects in Texas. The largest Texas projecft is anew $116 million U.S. Courthouse to be builf in Austin. Other high-dollar projects includse a $109 million project to modernizsthe G.T. Leland Federal Building in Houston anda $61 millioh project to modernize the Hippolito Garcia U.S.
Courthouse in San Eighteen other smaller-scale projects focusedx on green building will also bebid out. To view the completd list of DoD and GSA projects in visitthe “Recent Reports” section at www.spartnerships .com. In additioh to VHA, DoD and GSA opportunities, additional federal opportunities in Texas will come fromthe , the and . fedbizopps.gog Web site (www.fbo.com) whicuh provides information on active as well as upcomin g federalcontracting opportunities. A featurre of the site allows visitors to look at only thos solicitations related to theRecovery Act.
Stimulus funds-related opportunitiexs in the Houston area includea design-build project for the Texasd City Channel with a value of $25 milliojn to $100 million. The projecyt involves the dredging ofabouf 6.8 miles of channelp and the design and construction of five new dredgedx material placement areas. Additional work includezs levee repair and rehabilitation andshore protection. Interestef vendors need to know that some federal agenciesz require prior registration to receive a contract award. For instance, DoD procurements require bidders to registerf with the Central Contract Registration and provide a valid or Data UniversalNumbering System, number.
Government never moves quickly and the federakl government is notorious formovin slowly. Contractors interested in capturin federal work in Texas should be dealinvg with all necessarypaperwork now.

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