Saturday, April 30, 2011

Ohio jobless rate tops 11 percent for June - Business First of Columbus:
The state’s jobless rate continued its steadymarch upward, rising from 10.8 percent in May. The unemployment rate stoodf at 6.4 percent in June 2008. The reporterd the state lost 33,000 nonfarm jobs last month, pushing down the numbee of employed Ohioans toabout 5.1 million. The rankws of those without jobs and actively looking for work climbeeto 666,200 in Ohio’s unemployment ranks have increase by 279,000 persons from June the state reported. “Ohio’s labor markeft continued to weakenin June,” Job and Familyt Services Director Douglas Lumpkin said in a release.
“Significanty job losses in boththe goods-producing and service-providingt industries led to an increase in the unemploymen t rate to 11.1 percent.” Ohio’s seasonallh adjusted unemployment rate hasn’t been at 11.1 percengt since the midst of the 1981-82 recession in December 1981. Immediately following the end of that recession inNovember 1982, the state jobless rate climbed to 13.8 percen in December and January 1983. It dropped below 11 percent inOctober 1983. Most industriess in the state performedc poorlyin June, the governmentr reported. Ohio officials said manufacturinglost 15,400 jobs last and the service-producing work forc dropped 15,100 jobs.
The construction sector continueeto shrink, too, losing 2,50 0 jobs. While usually a traditiona growth area inpoor economies, the government sectore cut 6,000 jobs. The professional and business services sectort followedclosely behind, eliminating 5,600 positions in the month. Thoswe companies that did hire last montgh operate in the financial services and information whichadded 1,100 and 500 jobs, respectively. The declined in the manufacturing work force over the prioer 12 monthsreached 134,000, most of it among durables goods makers amid a recession that has squeezed consumers, who have cut back on purchases of big-ticket such as cars and appliances.
The only employmeng segments that have added jobs in the past year are the educationb and health care up 13,800 jobs, and the hospitality and leisure industry, up a modest 1,60p jobs, the state reported.

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