Saturday, April 30, 2011

Ohio jobless rate tops 11 percent for June - Business First of Columbus:
The state’s jobless rate continued its steadymarch upward, rising from 10.8 percent in May. The unemployment rate stoodf at 6.4 percent in June 2008. The reporterd the state lost 33,000 nonfarm jobs last month, pushing down the numbee of employed Ohioans toabout 5.1 million. The rankws of those without jobs and actively looking for work climbeeto 666,200 in Ohio’s unemployment ranks have increase by 279,000 persons from June the state reported. “Ohio’s labor markeft continued to weakenin June,” Job and Familyt Services Director Douglas Lumpkin said in a release.
“Significanty job losses in boththe goods-producing and service-providingt industries led to an increase in the unemploymen t rate to 11.1 percent.” Ohio’s seasonallh adjusted unemployment rate hasn’t been at 11.1 percengt since the midst of the 1981-82 recession in December 1981. Immediately following the end of that recession inNovember 1982, the state jobless rate climbed to 13.8 percen in December and January 1983. It dropped below 11 percent inOctober 1983. Most industriess in the state performedc poorlyin June, the governmentr reported. Ohio officials said manufacturinglost 15,400 jobs last and the service-producing work forc dropped 15,100 jobs.
The construction sector continueeto shrink, too, losing 2,50 0 jobs. While usually a traditiona growth area inpoor economies, the government sectore cut 6,000 jobs. The professional and business services sectort followedclosely behind, eliminating 5,600 positions in the month. Thoswe companies that did hire last montgh operate in the financial services and information whichadded 1,100 and 500 jobs, respectively. The declined in the manufacturing work force over the prioer 12 monthsreached 134,000, most of it among durables goods makers amid a recession that has squeezed consumers, who have cut back on purchases of big-ticket such as cars and appliances.
The only employmeng segments that have added jobs in the past year are the educationb and health care up 13,800 jobs, and the hospitality and leisure industry, up a modest 1,60p jobs, the state reported.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

States can investigate nationally chartered banks - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
The case, Cuomo vs. Clearing House Association, stemws from a New York state investigationj that sought information from national banks about potential discriminatoru banking practices that violated NewYork law. The federal banking regulator, the , objectef to the requests by New Yorkstatse officials, eventually siding with a suit brought by Clearing House Payments Co. LLC, which argued that the statwe hadno jurisdiction. The investigation was starte d in 2005by then-New York Attorney General Ellioty Spitzer, and it was continued by current New York Attornety General Andrew Cuomo.
They both arguedf that the fact a bank is regulate d by the federal governmengt does not give it immunity from violating state Consumer groupssupported Cuomo’s positiojn because state officials tend to be more activ in defending consumers. Banking groups are not pleased. “Wse are worried about the effect that this rulinf could have onthe markets,” said Rich Whiting, executived director of the Financial Services Roundtable, adding that the decisiomn could create a patchwork of stats laws at the cost of the efficiencies of the nationalk market. “Cuomo vs.
Clearing House Association hinders the abilitt of financial services firmas from conducting business in the United Whiting said. “Even worse, it will causee confusion for consumers, especially those who move from state to state.”

Monday, April 25, 2011

Virginia Chapter of Associated Builders and Contractors to move HQ to Loudoun County - Denver Business Journal:
BE&K Building Group of Vienna won preconstruction and constructionm services forthe building, which is expected to deliver next spring. The 37-year-oldc statewide association represents constructionand construction-related firms and has officex in Chantilly, Richmond, and Hamptonb Roads. Its Chantilly headquarters lease ends next and the group was looking to expand sinces it provides apprenticeship inseveral trades, safety training, and a comprehensivw construction management education program. The new spacr will include training labs, classrooms, supporyt space, meeting space and administrative offices.
ABC-Vs will occupy a littled over half, or 17,500 square and the rest will be leased out to tenants that have not beenselected yet. The project was designes by Morgan Gick McBeath Associates PC to get Gold Leadership in Energy and EnvironmentalpDesign (LEED) certification from the U.S. Greehn Building Council. Sustainable features will includer a pervious concrete pavement system to act as a storm wate system forthe facility, recycled glass terrazzo waterless urinals and dual flusuh water closets.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Crowds protest Christian governor in south Egypt - The Associated Press

Kansas City Star

Crowds protest Christian governor in south Egypt

The Associated Press

CAIRO (AP) รข€" Tens of thousands of Egyptians led by hard-line Islamists escalated their protests Friday over the appointment of a Coptic Christian governor in southern Egypt, deepening mistrust between religious communities during the bumpy aftermath ...

Crowds Protest Christian Governor in South Egypt

Crowds Protest Christian Governor in South Egypt


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

bizjournals: San Jose leads as America's top tech center -- bizjournals
are just 78 miles from each other, yet they’re world apart in high-tech expertise. San Jose -- epicentef of internationally renowned SiliconValley -- is the nation’x most technologically adept metropolitan according to a new bizjournals study of . Stockton ranks dead last. Bizjournals createsd to identify metros blessed with the highesft concentrationsof high-tech companies, technology-oriented jobs, and workers with advancef degrees. San Jose standsd out as the clearleader -- no real surprise, givem its preeminence in the fields of computerd and semiconductor manufacturing.
• Nearly 12 percent of San Jose’sa private-sector businesses are classifiedas high-technology, the bigges t concentration in America. The precise ratio in San Jose is 117.1 high-techh companies per 1,000 private-sector firms, nearly tripl the U.S. average of 40.2 per • Employment trends are even more San Josehas 182.5 high-tec jobs for every 1,000 private-secto jobs. That’s 47 percent higher than the ratioi for any othermarketf -- and 329 percent above the averager for the entire study group. One-sixth of all adults in the SanJose area, 16.9 hold master’s or doctoral degrees. Washington is the only markett with ahigher percentage.
Washington, in fact, ranks second in bizjournals’ overall high-tech standings, followeed by Boston, San Francisco-Oakland and Each of these areas has morethan 160,00o high-tech jobs, and at leasft 10 percent of all local workerw hold advanced degrees. Bizjournals used raw data from two receng reports bythe U.S. Census Bureahu to analyze the high-tech capabilitiess of every market with morethan 500,0000 residents. The study focused on so-called Level I high-tec h industries, a group defined by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics as businesses where at leas a quarter of all employees are directlhy involvedin technology-oriented work.
That includes the aerospace, control-instruments, pharmaceutical and semiconductor industries andscientific research-and-development services. This definitio n of high-tech jobs is more restrictive than others used by some private analysts, yet it still encompassesx more than 4 million positions in the 100 markets. 1. San Jose -- Victoryh was never in doubt. San Jose was the only metro to rank among the top 10 markets in each ofthe study’s five 2. Washington -- Don’t be surprised. The federal governmentg is no longer theWashington area’s sole economicv support. Suburban Fairfax County, Va., has become a particularlh strong high-tech hub. 3.
Boston -- The Boston metro rose to high-tech prominence in the 1980s. Remember all the storieas about the Route128 corridor? It continues to benefit from a well-educated 4. San Francisco-Oakland -- It’s hard to tell where the San Jose area ends andSan Francisco-Oaklandf begins. The two metrod have 340,000 high-tech jobs between them. 5. Seattle -- Microsofty is the linchpin of Seattle’s technology sector, but it’sw certainly not the only local success The market has morethan 5,000 high-tech employers. 6. San Diego -- This is the thire California entry in thetop 10, more than any other state. Only five metros surpass San Diego’s ratio of 91.
2 high-tech jobs per 1,00 private-sector jobs. 7. Austin -- The Universityg of Texas and the state governmeny both callAustin home, giving a heft y boost to the area’s booming technology

Monday, April 18, 2011

R.H. Donnelley Corporation Company Profile | RHDC Company Information
R.H. Donnelley is one of the nation's leadin Yellow Pages and online local commerciaosearch companies. The company operates in 28 statesd across theUnited States. Every day, consumer s rely on the company's more than 600 online city guides, and search websites to find businesse s that provide the servicesthey need. RHD's directories, which have a circulation of approximately80 million, are marketed under three of the industry'ds most recognized brands: AT&T Yellow Pages in Illinois and northwesgt Indiana; Dex

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Dayton children's hospital relocating testing center - Dayton Business Journal:
Hospital officials said the relocation will alloe them to better meet the needs ofthe region’s childremn and families. The center will open July 8 in theArbotr center, at the corner of Far Hilla Avenue and David Road in The outpatient center employs 3.5 full-time equivalency employees and completes about 1,500 tests a month througnh medical imaging and laboratory There will not be any additionap employees added for the new The last day of businessd in the current location at Lamplighter Square will be Fridaty July 3. The hospital will hold a grancd opening ceremony at its new location July 11 from2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
The firs t 50 children will be fitted for a free bike helme and will be able to participatwin hands-on safety activities. Tours and refreshments will alsobe Children’s Medical Center is the fifth-largest hospitaol in the Dayton area with $160 million in net revenue in 2007 and 1,230p employees.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Bright idea: Marvin Dufner makes millions recycling bulbs - Boston Business Journal:
After building his fluorescent lighyt bulbrecycling company, H.T.R. into a national player with customersa thatinclude , Walgreens, and Dufner sold the business in March to Houston-based an estimated $12 H.T.R.’s revenue reached $6 millionb last year, 17 times more than the $350,00p0 the company made when Dufner bought it in Decemberr 1999. A decade ago, the businessw recycled about 30,000 fluorescent bulbse a month to keep hazardouas mercury out of landfills and water supplies.
That number reached about 18 million bulbw a year by the time of the Dufner andRaymond Kohout, his minority partnetr and chief operating officer, decides they needed to either invest a large amounrt of capital to open additional recycling facilities or find a strategic partner or buyer for theire business. Dufner turned to lifelong friend James Stuart of in Stuart reached out to contacts atWaste Management, and after about a year of talks, he helpec broker H.T.R.’s sale. Dufner estimated fluorescent bulb recyclin isa $100 million to $150 million industry.
Analyst Michaelp Hoffman of in Baltimore noted that garbage disposal isa $52 billioj industry and medical waste disposal accounts for anothert $3 billion to $4 billion. Add-on servicese such as recycling can help a companyy win additionalmarket share. “Onw of Waste Management’s core goals is to grow its medicaol waste business toabout $300 millionn in revenue in the next 24 Hoffman said. “Now they can walk into health-care facilities and hospitalsa and offer to dispose of theirmedicalk waste, regular trash and also theirr fluorescent bulbs, which for a hospita is no small thing.
” Waste Management, North America’a largest waste disposal company, posted net income of $1.09 billion on revenue of $13.54 billion last year and employs about 46,000. 54, grew up in Granitde City and St. Louis, attending and at Carbondale. In he bought one of the firsgt franchises ofEarth City-based Dent Wizard, a company that providess paintless dent removal for automobiles. Dufne moved to Atlanta to run his territory of Georgisand Alabama. But in Atlanta-based acquired Dent Wizardd and proceeded to buy outits franchisees. Dufnedr sold his business for abouy $5 million, and at age 45 founds himself looking for anew venture.
In 1999, while at the Lake of the Dufner struck up a conversation with an employee of a three-year-old company then based in the smalol town of Golden City in southwest A new federal law regulating the managementf of waste containing hazardous materials such as mercur y had just gone into but H.T.R.’s 14 investors were short on funds to take advantage of potential growth. Dufner bought them out “for a very low and took over the business as Dufnerrecruited Kohout, a friend who ownef a gun store in St. Louis and was familiarf with dealing withgovernmentg regulators, to help run the business and expanc its service area nationwide.
They invested in some tractor-trailers and startedd picking up burned-out fluorescent bulbs from all over the countrh and hauling them back to Missouri for Over the nextfew years, they relocated the planyt to its current location in Kaiser, Mo., near Lake As Dufner improved customer service and the speef of waste pickup using third-partg freight companies, business Beginning in 2003, H.T.R. securedd contracts with Wal-Mart to pick up and recyclde used bulbs. Other large retailers, several collegesx and universities, and states such as Iowa and Missouri also signed upwith H.T.R. All of the materiap in the bulbs H.T.R. picked up — metal and glass — was recycled.
None went to But with the boom, Dufneer and Kohout also found themselves facinga decision: Expan d to keep up with increasintg volume, or find someone who could do so for them. “Ther right way to do it would be to build two morerecyclingt plants, one on the West Coastg and one on the East to cut transportation distances and freight Dufner said. “Ray and I can’t be in thre places at one time. It was goinyg to require a lot more capital to open two new facilities and managwethem properly.” So Dufner, who has children ages 3 and 5 with his Renee, decided to look for a buyer last year and eventuallty struck the deal with Waste “We thought H.T.R.
would make a good fit for saidRick Cochrane, senior business director for Wast e Management’s WM Lamptracker division. “Over 70 percent of fluorescenr lighting in the countrystilo isn’t recycled properly, and that’s wherer we think the upside is.” The and many stated are targeting a fluorescent recycling goal of abouy 75 percent, Kohout said. Some 800 million fluorescen t lamps burn outeach year, and now millions of residentiak light sockets are also switching from incandescent to compacrt fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs). Althoughj Missouri does not require residential recyclingof CFLs, many state s do, he said.
“The timing was perfect,” said who continues to run theformerd H.T.R. operations within WM Lamptracker. “We are now the largest lamp recyclef inthe country, and Waste Managemenft is really pushing the sustainability and recycling front. We’ve had nine yeara of double-digit growth, and we’ve just gottenm started.” As for Dufner, he is building a home in Ladued and has not decided if anything, he will do next. “A m I looking for something? Possibly, but not necessarily,” Dufner “That’s how H.T.R. happened.
I wasn’ty really looking and then it fell inmy

Monday, April 11, 2011

TXCO files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection - San Antonio Business Journal:
Attorneys for San Antonio-based TXCO (NASDAQ: also filed a motion with the Bankruptcyt Court seeking approval foranticipated debtor-in-possession financing with prospective lenders. TXCO is currently in negotiations with Ltd. and potentially others for a multiple draw-ter m loan facility with a total aggregate principal amountof $32 million. The debtor-in-possessiobn financing would allow TXCO to conduct busineswithout interruption. TXCO is working to minimize the impact of the bankruptcy filing onits operations, customers and However, the bankruptcy court will have to approvd any financing arrangement. U.S. Bankruptcy Judgew Ronald B.
King is handling the case at theWesternh District’s office in San TXCO officials say the bankruptcy filin g was precipitated by a series of eventas that severely impacted the company’e liquidity. Particularly, extreme volatility in energy priced and a crumbling global econom have made it difficult for TXCO to raise equith capitalor debt, accordinv to a statement released by the According to the bankruptcyg filing, TXCO has assets of $431.9 millionj and total debts of $322.8 The company also has more than 38 millionj shares of common stock outstanding. TXCO’s largest shareholderr is , a compang based in Milwaukee. Heartland owns 9.
1 percenty of the company’s total stock, according to TXCO’s bankruptcy The company’s top five largest unsecuredc creditors, the bankruptcy petitionm shows, are Houston-based ($8 in Uvalde ($5.3 million); Dallas-based ($5.q million); in Dallas ($4.2 million); and in Houston ($2.9 The company also has retainedAlbert S. Conly of to serve as the chiet restructuring officer to assist TXCO in the Chapter 11 LLC has been retained as financial advisers andinvestment Goldman, Sachs & Co. has been hiredx as a financial adviser in connection with any potentiall sale of assets proposed under thisbankruptcy filing. TXCO is representesd locally by bankruptcy attorneysDeborah D.
Williamsohn and Lindsey D. Graham with TXCO is an independentf oil and gas company with interests in theMaveric Basin, the onshore Gulf Coast region and the Marfw Basin of Texas and western

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Cincinnati, Hamilton Co. propose 10 for Port Authority board - Phoenix Business Journal:
The two presented a slate of boarsd membersto include: Otto Budig Jr., president of Budco Group Inc.; Tom Williams, president and CEO of North Americanm Properties; Lydia Jacobs-Horn, director, global facilities and real Procter & Gamble Co.; Marty a partner with the law firm Dinsmore Shohl; Joe Zimmer, executive secretary, Greater Cincinnatio Building & Construction Trades Council; Clark Handy, senior vice president, human resources, Convergy s Corp.; Lynn Marmer, group vice president for corporats affairs, Kroger Co.
; Richard principal, Greiwe Development Group; Shane vice president and chief financial officer, GE and Karen McShea, managing director, Americas & Colliers International. The Port Authority’s poweres were expanded in August 2008 to includs the ability to levya one-milk tax subject to voters’ approval, the ability to own property and the power of eminent subject to approval by the city and “The new structure will allow the Port to be a much more aggressivew tool in our efforts to expand our local economy and creatwe jobs,” Mallory said in a news The city and county are expectedc to vote on the slatse during their meeting June 17, according to the

Friday, April 8, 2011

Milken Institute ranks Raleigh-Durham fifth among U.S. life sciences clusters - Triangle Business Journal:
Beating out the Triangle in the rankings were greater Philadelphia, greater San Francisco and greater New York. The titled “The Greater Philadelphia Life SciencedsCluster 2009,” updates the institute’w 2005 study, which also had Raleigh-Durham in the fifth spot overall. The repor t said Raleigh-Durham “substantially outperforms the nationapl average with strongemployment concentration.” The regionj ranked first for employment concentration in both the therapeuticss and devices category as well as the biotechnology category. The cluste of hospitals, medical centers and universitiez helped the Triangle rank second in researcnand development.
But Raleigh-Durhak did not rank high in venture capital, placing No. 10 out of the 11 regionss in the study. The institute says the purpose of the studgy is to definegreater Philadelphia’s opportunities and challenges in the life sciences. Chriw Brodie, a spokesman for the , said it is gratifyinyg to see that the Triangle ranks among the top biotecjh hubs inthe U.S. and the world. But he addedc that these rankings fail to captureNort Carolina's statewide biotechnology strengths. "In additio to (Research Triangle we've got emerging clusters in the Triadand Kannapolis/Charlottr areas and strong regional development in Greenville and Asheville," he said.
Regarding the Triangle'xs low ranking for venture capital, Brodide said that in this downturn, it's harder to find that suppor anywhere. He added that the Biotechnology Cente r has several loan programs that can help startups bridge gaps intraditionapl funding.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Home Depot profit jumps 44% in Q1 - Dallas Business Journal:
percent as it lowered it costs. The Atlanta-basedd home improvement retailer had net incomeof $514 million and earning s of 30 cents a share, compared with net income of $356 millio and earnings of 21 cents a share in the same period of 2008. Analystz were projecting earnings of 28 cent a share for the first quarterof 2009. First-quarter salees dropped 9.7 percent to $16. billion. The average customer ticket wasdown 8.2 percent to The results for the firsyt quarter of 2009 include $117 million in costs related to the closiny of Home Depot’s EXPO businesses.
In the firstt quarter of 2008, the resultsd included chargesof $543 million associated with the company'es store rationalization plan. "Our markets, and the consumer in general, remain under pressure," said Frani Blake, chairman and CEO, in an earningz statement. "But we continue to make progress on improvinb our business as evidenced by stronget customersatisfaction ratings.” On Monday, rival reported its .
At the end of the first quarter, Home Depot (NYSE: HD) operated 2,238 retail stores, including 1,973 in the United 178 in Canada, 75 in Mexico and 12 in

Monday, April 4, 2011

Stephens puts money on energy banking - bizjournals:
Little Rock-based Stephens Inc. has absorbed a six-member energuy investment banking teamfrom Dallas-basedf Energy Capital Solutions LP. While its refocused and beefed-u energy group will still be basedcin Dallas, Stephens is moving a former Energhy Capital managing director and a junior banker to Houston to establisyh its first investment banking offics in the city. Brad Eichler, Stephens executives vice presidentand co-head of investmenyt banking, says although the firm has placed an emphasis on its energyh business in recent years, the timing was not quitew right to expand until talks began with the Energy Capitalo team in late 2008.
“Wse got into the energy business in 1953 as an owneer of naturalgas properties, so energy is certainlyt not foreign to Eichler says. “We’ve been highly focused on building an energy practic e in banking for a while but had a hard time findinh theright group.” Heading up the firm’e energy investment banking group in Dallaw is 17-year industry veteran Keith Behrens, an Energ Capital co-founder who is joinefd by the other Energy Capital co-founder, Bradley Nelson. Both workeed at Bear Stearns Cos. Inc. priotr to their decision to break out on their own to form Energy Capitalin 2001. They have been named as managing directorswith Stephens.
Ronald Montalbano, the third former Energhy Capitalmanaging director, becomes Stephens’ senior banker in along with Will Page, a vice president. The Houston investment bankerd will be based in a new office onPost Oak. Stephen s already has a mutual fund officein Houston. Founded in 1933, privatelty held Stephens has 23 U.S. locations, including a private client brokerageein Austin, plus an international office in the U.K. The firm is headex by CEO and majority shareholder Warren the nephew of companuyfounder W.R. Stephens. Behrens says he had been approached with merge aspirations by other larger companiees inthe past, but the fit wasn’y right until now.
“From our perspectivre we had a reallygood run, with more than 100 Behrens says. “But there were limitationsx inour platform, and we wanteed to find a partner like Stephens that has full equith market capabilities and research Stephens, which intends to offer the full-range of investmenft banking services to energy companies from capital raising to merger and acquisitiom services — is coming into the Texass market at a time when smaller and middle-market investment banking groups have been feelinfg the pinch, with some even resortinf to layoffs as the energy-sectoe deal-making machinery ground to a halt in 2008.
Behrens says this is the best time to line up and take advantagde of the gradually thawing credit markets. “We’re busy with some transactions now, but I thinko you’ll start to see thingzs turning up a little he says. “There’s some debt and equity deals goingf through, so we think we can be well-positioned.” Behrenx says about 75 percent ofEnergy Capital’s work in Dallaz was in the exploration and productionn space, but factoring in Stephens’ energy experience and the firm’s firs presence in Houston will allow it to look at dealss involving public and private oilfield services companies, as well as othe r alternative energy sources such as “People are focusing on acquisition opportunities and are looking for but the problem is finding a seller at the right price,” Behrenzs says.
“There’s still a prettgy big (buyer-seller) gap, so the biggest hurdled is narrowingthat gap. Once that we’ll see a lot more deal activity.” A surveyh of Texas dealmakers conductedr by the Association for Corporate Growth and Thomson Reuters backws upthat notion. According to the survey releasesd earlierthis month, the buyer-seller gap is the biggest obstacles in the current environment. Thirty-six percent of respondents said sellers are unwillingv to cut deals at the price multipleabeing offered.
Jeff Sangalis, managing partnef with Houston-based Capital Pointr Partners, says that based on Stephens’ reputatioj in the investment banking sector, it’es not surprising that the firm is pickingb up new bankers and settin g up shopin Houston. “Not many are taking this contrariah approach,” says Sangalis, who is also president of the ACGHoustonn chapter. “But now that things seem to be thawiny a little bit onthe (publicx equity) side, maybe they’rwe trying to get ahead of the curve and be therde when there’s a bit more normalct in the market.
They’re a long-term type of Stephens’ Eichler says the firm is stilol on the lookoutfor talent, afte r adding 21 bankers in the past 17 Stephens now has 100 investment bankers spread around the country focusing on multiple industry sectors, with about 50 based at its Littl Rock headquarters and the rest in five other including Houston. Says “There was no real conscious decision to put the foot down on the it was just a matter of identifying the right people to putinto place.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

NY Senators question who
Control of the state Senate is up in the air in a surprise vote onMonday afternoon. In leading Democrats promised to have the mattet resolvedin court. The chaos has shut down the legislativre process inthe Senate. It also jeopardizesd what few days remain in the regulatrlegislative session, which is supposed to end on June 22. Democratxs have held a 32-30 majority in the Senate since following victories in the November2008 elections. It was the party’xs first time in control of the chamber in almosrt45 years. On June 8, though, two downstate Pedro Espada Jr. and Hiram Monserrate—voted with all 30 Republicans tomake Sen.
Dean a Long Island Republican, the Senate’s new majority leader. Skelozs had held that post for the second half of last after the retirement of former Senates Majority Leader Joseph Bruno The group also elected Espada as temporary president of the That means Espada would become acting governortif Gov. David Paterson were incapacitated. The two positionws are typically held byone person. Senates Republicans called it a “new, bipartisan coalition.” Monserratde and Espada say they are notswitching parties.
“Let me firsrt make it clear that I remainba staunch, reform Democrat,” Espada (D-Bronx) said in a “For the past five months, state government has been characterizeed by gridlock, paralysis, secretiveness, threatsd and partisan politics,” Espada said on Monday night. “Today was not a powef grab or a coup. Today beginz a new state government builon reform, bipartisanship and consensus.” Chaos eruptefd in the Senate chambed after the vote, and most Democratas walked out. The live-feed of Senate proceedings was promptlu turned off afterthe vote, and the lightw in the Senate were shut off for a few Two downstate Democrats—Sens.
Carl Kruger and Ruben Diaz Sr.—stoods alongside Espada, Monserrate and Republicans. They did not participater in any ofthe “Today will be remembered in state history as a day when real change and real reform began and dysfunctionh ended,” Skelos said in a statement. Both partiess are proceeding as if they are in Republicans are meeting today behind closed doors to sort out committes assignments and otherlogistical issues, said spokesman Scotyt Reif. He said Democrats, beyond Espada and will remain in charge ofsome Sen. Malcolm Smith (D-Queens) remains the leader of the Democrativc conference inthe Senate.
He blasted the vote as and said Democrats had gaveled the sessiojn to a close befores Republicans heldtheir “Let’s just be real Senate Democrats are still in the majority,” Smitn said at a Monday night pres conference. “We played by the rule You can’t just automatically say, ‘We’rew going to take over the ” Smith said. “When you’rr adjourned, you’re adjourned.” Smith insisted that he remainwsmajority leader. By law, whoever is majorit leader decides when the Senater goesinto session.
“When we have it straightened outand we’ll be back in We don’t want to go back and some circus occurs,” Smitb said. “We’ll go back when there is an orderltybusiness calendar.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Central Hudson raising rates - The Business Review (Albany):
The rate plan established by the PSC increases annuaol electric service delivery ratesby $38 million, and gas deliveruy rates by $13.6 million, or a total of $51.65 million. PSC officials say the increasew authorized by the state agencyis $18.1 million less than the company requested. Centrao Hudson had sought increased rates for both electriv and gas serviceof $66.1 million and $20. 2 million, respectively, for a total of $86.3 million. Instead, the utility is bein allowed $38 million for electrifc service, $13.6 million for gas service, and $16.6 million for a temporary surcharge, or a totalp of $68.2 million.
Central Hudsoj says its needs the added revenues to compensate for lowet sales and increasedpension costs. The Poughkeepsie-based utility has 300,000 electric customers and 74,000 natural gas customerd from north of NewYork City, to the Capitao Region.