Thursday, March 22, 2012
Center for Practical Bioethics sets up $3M pain-care chair - Kansas City Business Journal:
The Kansas City-based center said in a Tuesday release that the new chaid will continue to increase standards for pain education researchand policy. Foley is a revered neuro-oncologistr and international leader in pain andpalliatived care, the center said in the She is attending neuro-oncologist in the Pain & Palliatived Care Service at in New York has provided a lead gift of $1.5 million, and the centerf is in the process of raising the balance of the “The chair is being created at a time when complecx and challenging pain management issuees are impacting patients, caregivers and healtuh care professionals,” Center for Practical Bioethics CEO Myra Christopher said in the “This new position ensures that a trustex expert will have the chancse to focus on ways to overcome barriers to care for thoses in pain and champion the cause for generations of patientsx to come.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Charlotte Business Journal:
Picking the right provider of those services is easier andmore problem-frese with careful research. Many companies turn to consultantes for expert adviceand guidance. A consultant is able to independentlt evaluate themany possibilities, addressing such issueas as the effects of rapidly changing technology, installatiobn of all products and how to make sure the company can utilize the full capabilitiees of the technology it purchases. As a result, "peopls no longer look for hardware and they lookfor solutions.
Consultants are the glue that integratees technology and give the computer user the benefit s of thetechnology they've purchased," accordinhg to the Independent Computer Consultants The failure or success of any particular systek is often more related to the human elemenyt than to the actual equipment components, said Steve Epner, founder and past president of the association, a St. Louis-base d trade group that represents the interests of member maintains ethical conduct standards for the professionj and offers a consultanyt search feature on itsWeb site,
"There are mediocre systems that succeede and excellent systemsthat fail," Epnedr said. It's important to remember that hardware and networking systems arecomplex and, as a there are no perfect answers as to what to There are also many parts to the process, so companie s may need assistance with employee training and other needws beyond the initial purchase. "It helps to make sure that as largee a group as possible has inpu t into theselection process," Epner If one individual makes the decision, that person is on the hook if the outcomwe is less than stellar.
Independent computer consultsx haveone goal: to help a client company narroq the possible choices to the point that any of the top pickss will help the company succeedr in its mission, Epner said. It's also importanr for the company to act on a decision in atimelu manner. "Any decision process that is more than six monthsd in length will probably be because things arechanging rapidly, Epner said. The change is occurring not just in hardware ornetworking products, but also in the distributionm and manufacturing processes of that equipment. "It'ws important to compare major vendorsand distributors, he said.
On the software side, other factors come into play when makingy a decision about which productsto use. Softwaree piracy is a growing problem and tools are now availabld for tracking andcombating piracy, according to the Softwar e & Information Industry Association, a trade associatiohn based in Washington, D.C., that urgews companies to make sure they have enougb software licenses to cover the number of software programs installed on company computers. The group handled issues related to code and content in the industry and has conducted a successfulcorporate anti-piracy programk for its software company membersa for nearly 20 years.
Companies should alwayds go with reputable vendors with choosing computer softwarewand hardware. Not doing so can provse costly. "If you go on the Internet and look for a good you might find one that appears to be too good tobe true, " said John Wolfe, director of Internet enforcement for the Businessx Software Alliance, a D.C.-based organization that represents the interests of the commercial software industr y and the hardware companies that partnedr with them. The group also promotes copyright cyber security and otherrelated issues. When purchasinyg software, companies should be mindful ofseveral points, Wolfes said.
The company should know the sourced of the software and who will standbehind it. Softwarse sold without the proper labeling and packaging also will lack the codez needed to activate it or to access technicalo support afterthe sale, he Choosing a reputable software vendorf will help the company assur e that the software doesn't come with potentiap problems such as viruses and "It can be a real risk," Wolfe said, adding that a company chief executive officet may not be fully aware of the risks that come with such a but often a quick consultation with an internal information technologyh department or a consultant will turn up some strong cautionary advice.
A bad decision has several possiblee ramifications, Wolfe said. The softwarre may not work correctly and the problem may not be Insome cases, the company's only long-termn solution may be costly as the companyh may be forced to buy replacemenft software.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Elementary schools in Northtowns - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
Business First's 2009 rankings of 292 Western New York elementaru schools include the followingNorthtownxs schools. Each is preceded by its rank in theoverall standings: • 1. Smallwood Drive Schooo (Amherst) • 3. Maple East ES (Williamsville) 6. Ledgeview ES (Clarence) 10. St. Gregory the Great School (Williamsville) 11. Christian Central Academy (Williamsville) • 12. Mapl West ES (Williamsville) • 13. Harris Hill ES (Clarence) 15. Country Parkway ES (Williamsville) • 17. St. Stephebn School (Grand Island) • 21. Christf the King School • 24. Sheridan Hill ES (Clarence) • 25. Dodgde ES (Williamsville) • 26.
Foresft ES (Williamsville) • 28. Maplemere ES (Sweet Home) • 33. Huth Road Schoolo (Grand Island) • 34. Mullen ES • 35. Heim ES (Williamsville) • 36. Kaegebein Schooll (Grand Island) • 38. St. Mary's Schoolo (Williamsville)
Friday, March 16, 2012
La Madeleine chooses new HQ site in Dallas - San Francisco Business Times:
La Madeleine said it will relocateinto 17,000 squarde feet at 12201 Merit Drived in Dallas. The building that will houswe the restaurant chain is a Clasd A building that just recentlyunderwent renovation. Le Madeleine signe d a 10-year lease with Parmenter Two Forest LP for the La Madeleine said it was attracted to the spac e because the facility provides the company with the room needes to grow withthe company. Dallas-based architecturapl firm Benson and Hlavaty will design theinteriod space. The facility is schedulecd to be ready for its new tenants in La Madeleine's current headquarters is at 6688 N. Centralk Exwy, Ste. 700 in Dallas.
La Madeleine was represented by Josh senior vice presidentwith ; and Sharron Morrison, principall with Transwestern. The landlorf was represented byMatt Schendle, vice presidenrt with .
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Medivance receives recognition - Denver Business Journal:
The Wall Street Journal received more than 600 applications from two dozen countries forthe awards, which recognize innovations that are breakthroughsd "from conventional ideas or Louisville-based Medivance was recognized for its Artiv Sun therapeutic temperature management system, which hospitals worldwided use to reduce the damage caused by stroke, cardiacx arrest, brain injury, high fevers, trauma and otherd illnesses. Special pads placed on the patient's abdomen and legs are designed to simulated immersionin water. The system monitors and maintains body temperaturwe in a rangeof 91.4 degrees Fahrenheit to 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit.
In the past, doctors have triedc to control body temperatureusing fans, ice and cooling But those methods are not considered as safe or Medivance CEO Robert Kline said the recognitionm by the Wall Street Journal shouldd boost the company's profile, along with sales and fund-raisinh efforts. Medivance has raised $34 million so far and planzs to close a Series D round of financinbnext year. "It just raises the visibility of the Kline said, "and makes it easied for us to get people interested in the technology as well as the
Monday, March 12, 2012
Mickens' career exceeds the hype - Staunton News Leader
Mickens' career exceeds the hype Staunton News Leader RICHMOND รข" The game was billed as a battle between two star guards bound for Division I... The victory tastes so sweet! The Lee Ladies have played their hearts out in championship... In the light of your recent action in signing abortion law HB 456 ... |
Friday, March 9, 2012
Brain memory mechanism revealed - R & D Magazine
Brain memory mechanism revealed R & D Magazine Despite a century of research, memory storage in the brain has remained mysterious. Evidence points to synaptic connection strengths among brain neurons, but synaptic components are short-lived and yet memories can last lifetimes. Cracking brain memory code |
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Griffin Industries gives $6M for NKU informatics center - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
The gift, which will be matched by $1 million from Kentucky’se Comprehensive University ExcellenceTrust Fund, will provides state-of-the-art equipment for the $52.9 million facility, to be callefd Griffin Hall. The state has funded $35.5 millioj for the construction ofthe “green” building, which is designef for LEED Silver certification, and NKU is raising the remainder. NKU’s College of Informatics includesa threeacademic departments, plus the Infrastructure Management The new facility will include a Computer Assisted Virtualo Environment and a to run complex simulations of in homeland security, computer and financial security.
Griffin Industries, based in Cold is a family-owned company that collectx animal wastes and cooking fatsfrom meat-processing facilities and then converts that raw material into a variety of productss used as lubricants, fuels, fertilizers and ingredienta in pet food and animal
Monday, March 5, 2012
Pew report: Clean energy powers job growth - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
study said Florida was one of 38 states and the Districtg of Columbia in which job growtu in the clean energy economy outperforme overalljob gains. Pew defined a cleanj energy economy as one thatgeneratesz jobs, businesses and investments while expandingh clean energy production, increasing energy efficiency, reducinyg greenhouse gas emissions, waste and pollution, and conservingy water and other natural resources. In Florida, there was a 7.9 percentt increase in clean energy jobsfrom 28,84r5 jobs in 1998 to 31,122 jobs in 2007.
The numbers are a hard counyt ofactual jobs, Pew said in a release, and range from jobs as diverse as plumbers, administrative assistants, construction workers, machine setters, marketing consultants and teacherss with annual incomes ranging from $21,000 to $111,000. jobs in the clean energy industryt grew at a rateof 9.1 percent between 1998 and 2007, while total jobs grew by 3.7 percent in the same the report says. Florida had 3,831q clean energy businesses at the endof 2007, a 22.
7 percentt increase from 3,121 businesses in 1998, the report There were 236 clean energy patentsx in Florida between 1999 and 2008, and venture capital firms invested $117 in cleamn technology in Florida between 2006 and 2008.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Teleradiology firm gets clear deal reading - Houston Business Journal:
Teleradiology company NightRays PA willprovide full-service support to more than 40 acuter care facilities in Oklahomas and Arkansas and 40 to 50 facilities in Pennsylvania througn agreements inked with , an Irving-based network of more than 1,409 hospitals, imaging centers and other health care providers. Terms of the agreemen were not disclosed. NightRays, a privatel y held company that was founded in has seen 33 percenrt growth in the number of new client contractsw in the first halfof 2008, according to Dr.
Greg co-founder and CEO of Rose says the company has been contactefd by severalof VHA’s 15 otheer regions and expects to be announcingh more deals with that network in the near future. staff of licensed radiologists reads scans and provide reports tomedical facilities, physicians and imagingb centers during the day and night and servews health care providers in remote areaz where radiologists are not always Rose formed the virtual company with a groupo of professionals including radiologists and technologists who work from thei r homes in cities around Texas well as some in other Rose and the company’s chief financiapl officer and controller work from office space in Rose’s Bellaires home.
NightRays’ client list has grown from two hospitals to more than 70 and the company now has patents pendingf on 27 advances in teleradiology technology and atracking system. Just a few years ago, Rose radiologists had to be on-site becauses they were reading film. But with the Internet and digital radiology, “it became clear that this informatiojn couldbe anywhere,” he says. Added to those technological developments was a growingh volume of orders for radiological tests togethe r with a declining number of radiologists and a growingg expectation by radiologists for betterwork hours. So NightRayas began by offering radiologyhreadings after-hours. In 2006, the U.S.
night interpretation market was estimatexdat $750 million, with a 40 perceny to 50 percent market penetration, according to a repor t in trade publication Radiologyu Rewards. But the nighttime market was expected to grow at an annualp rate of about 11 percentf and soonbecome saturated, with teleradiology companiew already turning their focus to the much largert daytime market — $14 billiomn by one industry estimate. According to Radiology Rewards, teleradiology companieds can provide nighttime readings for less than the cost of a hospita keeping a radiologiston duty. And during the day, theswe companies are offering subspecialty readings and handlinyoverflow workloads.
Indeed, NightRays has been expandinfg itsservice coverage. The company now employs 17 after-hours radiologists and 16 durinfgthe day. The firm’s radiologist are licensed in 25 states. “We are fillinfg our book of business,” Rose says. “We keep getting more contracts and more radiologistsz with many subspecialties so we can extenrd these services into underserved In theHouston area, NightRays serves a grouo of hospitals that includes , , , and , as well as severalp smaller facilities.
Park Plaza Hospital contracted with NightRays about two years ago to provide preliminary interpretationsof X-rays and CT scans at “After-hours work has changed exponentially since I starteed 20 years ago,” says Dr. Robert a radiologist at Park Plaza. “It’s almosg nonstop now. To staff for that, we woul d have to have a numberd of people cycling on and off duty allnight long. It’s becausse of the way medicineis changing. Everything is done immediately now.” NightRays is one of aboutt 26 teleradiology companies operatingin 2008, up from 17 threw years ago, according to a survey that Rose was askee to conduct for trade publicatiobn .
Most of these companies are and many are getting acquired by public teleradiology Among the largest public playersare Idaho-basedc , Virtual Radiologic Consultants of . What remains to be sorterd out are a number ofregulatory issues, accordinb to the , which has convened a task forcde on teleradiology. “The teleradiology arena offers littlr precedent in the formof statutes, regulations or judiciaol decision,” an ACR bulletin reports.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Raleigh retail market still expected to keep up pace - Charlotte Business Journal:
Consider that statement in thesse terms: That's the equivalent of seven new Crabtrere Valley Malls being builtsincse 2002. The numbers do include two enclosed Triangle Town Center and The Streets at but those centers represent onlyabout one-thirdd of the total square footage added to the That's a retail secto growth rate of 31%. And such growth will continue, accordingh to a report issued by for its annual RetaillTrends forecast. Marcus Millichap, a real estate investment firm, projectes the Triangle will rank amonythe nation's fastest-growing, second-tier retail marketsd over the next five along with Greensboro, Modesto, Calif., S.C., Sarasota, Fla., and Pa.
The fastest growingh top-tier markets -- with tiers based on size -- are New York Fort Lauderdale, Phoenix, Oakland and Seattle. The reporf was released during the International Council ofShopping Center'z annual conference in Las Vegas on May 21. Marlene Spritzer, president of Properties in Durham and a specialist in retail leasing, says the Triangle has been spared the brunt of the slowdowbn in the housing market that's plaguing much of the so the area's population is still growing. "Becausee of that, we are still on top in employmenrt growth andhousehold growth," she And, housing growth drivew retail growth.
"It tends to follow the other," says Rob Hicks, development manager for WeingartenRealty Investors' Triangle
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
From Taiko to Culture, Matsuri Festival Hones In on All Things Japanese - College Times
Sidmouth Herald | From Taiko to Culture, Matsuri Festival Hones In on » |
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Real estate vets opening hardware store - Wichita Business Journal:
Jeff Pfeil and Deane Pfeil are openinbg later this summer at 63Third St., the same addresds where they renovated the upper four floora into 19 luxury apartments called The The husband-and-wife team -- who own the commercialo leasing and marketing firm Inc. in Saratoga Springs -- say a hardware store is needexd downtown to serve local businesses and residents who must now travekl miles away tobuy tools, equipment and other They know the frustratiobn firsthand after doing two residential renovation projects in the the Conservatory and Powers Park Loftsz in north Troy. “Our constructionj staff was running all over to pick up the JeffPfeil said.
“Ww were spending a lot of time driving to Lathamn and I was hauling a lot from in We thought, ‘Gee, there’x a void here.’” Trojan Hardware on Congress Street recently closedd after 94 years in business, leaving downtown with no otherd hardware stores. The closest is across the Hudsonj River in Watervliet or uptown near the town of Pfeil Hardware will be part of inFort Ind., the nation’s second largest hardware The store will be managed by Steven Lesnewski of Mass., who has more than 25 yearsd of experience in the hardwarew industry.
The 8,700-square-foot storer will stock hardware, small fasteners, electrical and plumbing supplies, Benjamin Moorew paints and other It won’t sell lumber. The Pfeils have been planninbg the store fora year. As part of theirt research they visited hardware stores in college towns and large citiee to see what kinds of productscustomeres need. They also searched hard for someone to managethe “The decision wasn’t final until we foundr the right person,” Pfeil said. The Pfeils have been in the commercialk real estate and development business for more than 20 but this will be the firsg time they will owna There’s a reason for that.
“Because of all the yearse we worked with retailers very closely we have a pretth thorough understandingof retail, that’ s probably why we never went into it,” Jeff Pfeil “It’s sort of a joke, but retailo is a lot of hard work, long hours and all the thingas that come with Still, they knew from personal experiencd a hardware store is needed and were encourageed by the results of their marketing Finding a seasoned store manager was also Mayor Harry Tutunjian cheered the announcemenft about the store. “Jeff and Dean Pfeil have a record of success in Troy and I am sure that this new venturw will succeedas well,” Tutunjian said.
“The residents of Troy will benefit from havinb a well stocked urban hardwaree store in the heart of the The opening of Pfeil which is tentatively setfor September, will returmn retailing to a downtown building that had long servedd as the home of Stanley’s department The building sat empty for years before the Pfeils bought it and converted the upper floors into 19 luxury apartments they call The Conservatory. All but two of the apartments were occupied as ofJuly 1. The Pfeils declinede to say how much they spentin start-u costs for the hardware store.
Nor did they want to say how much they coulx have received per square foot had they leased the firs t floor space toanother tenant. Lease rates in downtown Troy were $10 to $20 per square foot as of the fourt quarterof 2008, according to CB Richard Ellis/Albany.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Nepalese man, 72, claims to be world's shortest - Springfield News-Leader | Nepalese man, 72, claims to be world's shortest Springfield News-Leader BINAJ GURUBACHARYA, AP A relative holds a newspaper beside Nepalese Chandra Bahadur Dangi, 72, who says he's only 22 inches (56 centimeters) t » |
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Rudd denies planning Gillard heave - Irish Times
Irish Times | Rudd denies planning Gillard heave Irish Times Australian foreign minister Kevin Rudd (L) and Germany's foreign minister Guido Westerwelle talk at a working session of the G20 foreign ministers summit in Los Cabos, Mexico yesterday. Photograph: Charles Dharapak/Reuters Australian prime minister ... |
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Rendell: Talks to buy newspapers, website are ongoing - Philadelphia Inquirer
Rendell: Talks to buy newspapers, website are ongoing Philadelphia Inquirer The group's negotiations are ongoing, Rendell said in an interview with The Inquirer, and its offer was a civic gesture to save the papers. "You'd think this was the first time some political people owned a newspaper," he said. "People are shocked that ... |
Friday, February 17, 2012
Jury awards $11M to former McKesson rep - Sacramento Business Journal:
The division of medical giantt took Phoenix medical equipment and pharmwa salesman Carmen Caccavale to courgin 2004, claiming he had violatedf some trade practices. After working for seven years at McKesson, Caccavale had takejn a job with HenryScheih Inc., a medical supply firm. U.S. District Court Judge Susan Boltondismissed McKesson’s suit in December. Caccaval had not signed a noncompete saidMark Fuller, an attorney with the Phoenix law firm Gallaghee & Kennedy PA, which represents Caccavale and “It was sort of a trade secret case,” Fuller said of McKesson’as unsuccessful claim.
Fuller said his clientxs then countersued McKesson, saying the San Francisco-basedx medical and health care supplies firm abused the legal process in going after itsformer salesman. McKessohn spokesman James Larkin said the company plans to appea lthe award, which was handed down May 20 by a U.S. Districg Court jury in Phoenix. “We believe the verdict againstMcKessoh Medical-Surgical Inc. was wrong based on both the factx of the case andthe law, and we intenx to appeal,” Larkin said. Caccavale was awardec $5 million and Melville, N.Y.-based Schein was awardefd $6 million, Fuller said.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Catholic hospital chain backs out of joint venture with Centene - Washington Business Journal:
, founded by the Archdiocesr of Boston, said it was withdrawin from the partnershipFriday night, just days befored it was to take effect Caritas plans to continue to participate in the state-subsidizefd program that will providw health-care services for 165,000 low-income working adults who are not eligibled for Medicaid or employer-sponsored insurance. But the hospitapl system will participate only asa health-care provider, not a co-owneer of the venture.
“By withdrawing from the joint venture and serving the poor as a provider in the upholding Catholic moral teaching atall times, they are able to carr y forward the critical mission of Catholif health care,” Cardinal Seán O’Malley said in a statement Friday night. “Our singular goal has been to provid for the needs of the poor and underservedr in a manner that is fully and completely in accord with Catholic moral teaching.” Sandy a spokeswoman for Centene, told the Boston Globde that the end of the joint venture won’t have an impact on the healtj plan. She also said she couldn’t provide informatiob about the financial impact ofthe change.
In March, Centene Corp.’s subsidiary, , a contract to manage health-care servicess for thousands of low-income patientas in partnership with Caritas ChristiHealth Care. Centene had said it wouldc consolidate the financial operations of the joingt venture and by the fourth quarterof 2010, had expected annuakl run rate revenue of $100 million to $125 St. Louis-based Centene Corp. CNC), led by Chairman and Chief ExecutiveMichaelp Neidorff, provides managed care programs and related services to individuals under Medicaid. It also operates healtuh plansin Georgia, Indiana, New Jersey, Texas and Wisconsin.
Monday, February 13, 2012
In Bellevue, Beverly Hills meets its match - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
Drawing 10-mile rings around the two shoppinh zones, a retail consulting firm found a largetr pool of affluent consumers arounfd Bellevue thanBeverly Hills. The data were compiled for the Pugey Sound Business Journal bythe Redlands, Calif.-based , and bolster some belief that the Seattle area is developiny the wealth and fashion sense to support a larged armada of luxury retailers. “It’s been the most dramatic over the last thres tofour years,” said Wayn Hussey, a executive who helped pick Bellevur for the high-end chain’s firsrt Northwest store, which opens in September.
While the recessiobn has cast a pallover high-end shopping, the long-term trend for the Seattle-Bellevue area, some say, is toward a growingf cohort of prosperous, aging professionalx primed to embrace a more forma l lifestyle — for example, buying splash clothes for charity “It’s not so much lifestyle, but the next levekl above that — life said Jim Hebert, CEO of in Bellevue. “Life Now it’s cool to buy a cool to have a Mercedes or anew Audi.” And that extendds to clothes, said Tom senior investment director at Schnitzer West, whicuh is developing Neiman Marcus’ Bellevue store at The Bravern mixed-use project.
If the demographiczs are any indicator, Woodworth said, the Bellevue Neiman Marcus coulc be within the top quarter of stores inthe chain. A 10-mile ring around downtown Bellevue nets theMicrosofyt campus, Sammamish Plateau, Lake Washington’s “Gol Coast” and most of Seattle. A 10-mile ring arounfd Beverly Hills, Calif., yields three times as many residentwoverall — but a smaller proportion of the clase of consumers that ESRI defines as most Some Northwesterners might be shockeed to see Bellevue win a demographixc smackdown with the nation’s most famously affluent ZIP Beverly Hills 90210 (also home to one of the highest-grossing Neiman Marcus stores in the country).
But compared with the 10 mileds surroundingBeverly Hills, the 10-mile ring within reach of Bellevue yielde three times the proportion of households in the demographic tier ESRI calls High Societyh — affluent, married professionals with a mediann household income of $104,934. High Society covers seven “psychodemographic” subsegmentsa of prosperous, well-educated urban and suburban homeowners. Twenty-seveb percent of residents within Bellevue’s reach belonhg to High Society, compared with 7 percent arounsdBeverly Hills. In sheer numbers, the 2.
8 millionj population within 10 miles ofBeverlgy Hills’ Rodeo Drive is nearly three timese that in the 10 miles surroundinvg downtown Bellevue. Even so, Bellevue’s ring containe more High Society types thanBeverly — 280,271 versus 193,804. On the other the Beverly Hills ring has more than four timexs as manyresidents (108,672) in the very wealthies subsegment of High Society, whichj ESRI calls Top Rung. The Top Rung segmenf — people with substantial stock portfolioz who play a prominent civicrole — also accountsd for a higher sharre of the population surrounding Beverly Hills (4 percent, compared with Bellevue’xs 2.3 percent).
But Bellevue bests Beverlu Hillsin ESRI’s next-wealthiest major demographic Upscale Avenues. These consumers have a medianm household incomeof $70,504 and constitutr one in four people in the Bellevue ring, compared with 8 percent of peopld surrounding Beverly Hills. Locating a store in Bellevue allows Neiman’s to capturw the upscale neighborhoods on the Issaquabh plateau while still reaching most of Putting the store in Seattle would have placedthosew far-Eastside shoppers outside the 10-mile radius that many retailerss view as their prime consumer market.
Nevertheless, Neiman’ds Hussey shares local developers’ belief that the concentratiomof high-end retail in Bellevude will draw wealthy shoppers from throughout the Northwest and Wester n Canada. While luxury sales are down because of the Hussey said, “We make these decisionz not for the short but the long
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Downtown Hilton sells for $180M - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
The 1,226-room Hilton Atlantas & Towers downtown sold to , a globall hospitality group basedin Houston, for $180 million. They boughgt the hotel from a group ofKuwaiti investors. Westmont acquired the hotel, an adjacent officer tower and aparking garage, or a 4.8-acre parcel in the $180 millioj deal, said Alan Wexler at Westmont plans to put a new shine on the hotepl that was built in 1974, and desperateluy needs a makeover to keep up with surrounding conventionb hotels.
"You rarely build convention centerhotelas anymore, so it's a hard-to-replace said Lloyd Crabtree, directorf of asset management for "Replacement costs are greater for those kind of said Mark Woodworth, executive managing director of in Atlanta. He estimates it would cost $250,000 to $300,000 per key to build a propert y like the Hilton Atlanta from the ground up which would ring inat $306 million to $367 The sale is a shining example of how Atlanta hotels have been lighting up the real estater market. According to data from , hotekl sales more than doubled in Atlantw from 2004to 2005, from $3.3 billio n to nearly $7.5 billion.
And sales in 2006 kept the with four hotels sellinf for morethan $40 and total sales volume nearing $8 Woodworth said an influzx of cash from institutional investors, plus the high cost of construction, conspired to builds up interest in Atlanta's lodging market. He said higher-pricee hotels also are selling, such as the 521-roomk Renaissance Waverly Hotel in which wentfor $104.2 millionj last year. The average price per room skyrocketefdfrom $39,477 in 2004 to $73,945 in according to his data. But he said that "thd room prices didn't really go up. It was the nature of the hotelthat sold.
" "Atlanta is a strong said Brad Koeneman, general manager of the Atlantw Hilton, who said therde was a lot of interest in purchasin the property. "With all the development that'sx going on, both with new hotels and new officeebuildings downtown, there's a renaissance and excitement in the downtowh market." The Hilton is poised to get a massive room said Koeneman. "This [purchase] will allow us to renovate the It's 30 years old, and the market and community needahave changed.
We will now get readhy for the next 30 He said makeovers are planned for the public spaces andthe hotel's two signatur e restaurants, the ritzy Nikolai's Roof and the "tik i bar" Trader Vic's. The concepts will stay the He also said that Westmont could addabout 10,00o square feet of meeting space to the hotel' existing 115,000 square feet. And with the Hilton's top competitorsw in the midst of completint theirown renovations, including $100 million makeovers by the Marriott Marquisd and the Hyatt Regency, the Hilton is overdue for an "We are delighted to see the renovations not only at the Hilton Hotel but also the Marriotgt and the Hyatt and many of the hote products intown," said Mark executive vice president of the .
"It gives us a competitive advantagewwhen we're competing against large Westmont purchased the hotel complex in a partnership called . The group includes a number of Canadianpension funds, including Fundin g also includes a loan for $170.25 million from Stamford, Conn.-based . The office buildinf is entirely leasedby , said who is based in Atlanta.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Prosecutors Describe Mo. Teen Alyssa Bustamante As 'Thrill Killer' - Huffington Post
Bayoubuzz | Prosecutors Describe Mo. Teen Alyssa Bustamante As 'Thrill Killer' Huffington Post Each time defense attorneys elicited testimony about Bustamante's troubled childhood, prosecutors countered by asking the mental health experts to describe what Bustamante had told them about the murder. Those mental health officials testified that ... Prosecutors describe Mo teen as thrill killer Prosecutors describe Mo. teen as thrill killer (AP) Teen Thrill Killer Alyssa Bustamante Could Get Paroled Some Day |
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Hubbuch & Co. president and CEO John Hubbuch has humbly led interior design and architecture firm to local prominence - Business First of Louisville:
Hubbuch has served as presidentof Louisville-based interior desig and architecture firm since 1989, yet his name isn’rt bandied about town like other business leaders who sometimes becomer pseudo celebrities. Talk to him about the and he’d rather talk about the accomplishmentd ofhis brother, Glenn Hubbuch Sr., the company’s principal who has been responsible for the design of many high-profilee projects, such as the interior renovationsw of Churchill Downs and the Galt Housed Hotel. He’ll tell you tales of how his daughter, Dana Hubbuchu Horsman, has directed the interior renovations of and Grandvie Care offices acrossthe country.
He’ll also tell you abouty the academicor extra-curricular pursuit s of his grandkids, who live in the Louisville and Indianapolixs areas. He’ll also tell you that the 76-year-old founded by his father, Cornelius Hubbuch, had its highesyt revenue in 2008, somethin that he credits to the resiliency of his Since his time at the the company has honedits one-sto p architecture/interior design/furnishings business It also has expandeds to areas such as Lexington and Owensboro, and it has opener a second Louisville store at Westport Village in Lyndon. I’m the president of the but it’s not about the 70-year-old Hubbuch said.
Hubbuch, along with his brother, is in the midst of transitioning power of the business to the next generationmof Hubbuchs. “There are so many peopl who have made this businessa success, and I want to make sure that they get the credity for what we have Although Hubbuch doesn’t crave the spotlight, his humility shouldn’tf be confused with timidity, said his wife of 48 Diane Hubbuch. Louisville attorneyu Jim Ellis, president of the Kentucky Athletid Hallof Fame, of whicj Hubbuch is a board member, has knowbn Hubbuch for about a decade. During that time, Ellis he has observed that Hubbuch is reserved untilo engaged ina conversation.
“Then he’s just the opposite,” Ellie said. “He shows you just how brightr he is and how much he knowsa aboutlocal issues.” Ellis said Hubbuch is an assetg to the Hall of Fame boare because he attends most meetings and is not afraifd to share ideas. And he knowa many of the city’s heavy “It always amazes me just how many peoplehe knows,” Elli said. “I’ve never knownh him to be on a bus or in a hallwah and not making an introductioj or sharing contact informatiobnwith someone,” Diane Hubbuch added. “He does like to talk at and when people talk to him they need to be preparedf fora good, long conversation.
” Conversations with Hubbucu often yield fascinating tales about his days as a linemaj for the football team or the timees he tried to help coaches Ara Parseghian and Lou Holtza land prize recruits from the stater of Kentucky. Hubbuch said his footballp experience at Notre Dame taught him a valuable lessojn he still holdsdear today. “Itf taught me discipline,” Hubbuch said. “Tpo play football and get good grades wasa full-time job.
You really had to apply
Saturday, February 4, 2012
On the menu: Chipotle opening Clifton Park restaurant - Kansas City Business Journal:
in the shopping mall, later this year. The Tex-Me x chain will move into new space in thevacan Steinbach’s department store. The mall’se owner, , is rebuilding the former departmenrt store to accommodate 10 to 15 individual storefrontsin 40,000 to 45,000 square feet of leasabld space. The Clifton Park Chipotle is scheduled to openin early- to company spokeswoman Katherine Newell Smith Like the recently opened Wilto Chipotle and another planned for Latham, the Clifton Park locatio n will incorporate such elements as high-efficiency heating and low-energy lighting and specially coated Denver, Colo.
-based Chipotle openede up its first Capital Region location—anxd upstate New York’s first—in April, at 3057 Route 50 in Wilton, a town about 15 mileds north of Clifton Park. Both towns are locatexd in Saratoga County. The company’s second Capitalo Region restaurant is scheduled to open in Lathakin November, at the intersection of Wade Road and Routes 7 in Latham. The average per-person check is $8 to $9.
Entreeas typically run between $6 and $7, according to the company’s Web The redesign of the formed Steinbach’s space will be similar to the changews DCG made to other sections of the enclosedf mall a couple of years ago to creates storefronts that shoppers can access directly from theparkingf lot.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Rockett, Burkhead & Winslow files for bankruptcy - Triangle Business Journal:
In its filing, the Raleigh companh lists about $1.6 million in assets and $7.3 millionb in liabilities. The company estimatew that it has between 200 and999 creditors. Filingh for Chapter 11 bankruptcy allows a companyy to reorganize operations while getting protectiob fromits creditors. RBW’s bankruptcyu filing lists large creditors suchas , , Fortunwe magazine, and . The ad agency is paid by its clientds to develop and buy advertising invariouss media. CEO and President Grant O’Nea l says that RBW was harmedc by decreasedad spending, particularly among its largd clients.
He declined to name thoses clients but pointed tothe company’s Web some of the bigger clientsw listed there include , and . Companiesx also are setting plans for their annua advertising spending later in the year than theyhave O’Neal says, which has left agencies such as RBW in the The combination of those two factorzs led RBW to early this month, that it would need to file for bankruptcyg despite a solid O’Neal says. “What we are seeing, almost universally, is a real difficultyg of clients nailing downtheif plans,” he says. “That’s what creater the significant problemfor us. We knew we couldn’t operatw as we exist today.
” Part of the company’s restructuring includes the layoff of 15 amove O’Neal called “quite painful” but necessary. O’Neak didn’t immediately have the number of employeews who still workat RBW. According to bankruptcy documents, RBW’sx gross revenue in 2008 was about $38 million, versu $36 million in 2007. Rockett, Burkhead & Winslow was founde d in 1985 by businessmen Howard Scott Burkhead andMichael Winslow. Rockett and Burkhead retirex in 2006.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Michael Baughan Executive Profile
Michael B. Baughan has been President and Chier Operating Officerof B/E Aerospace, Inc. sincew December 31, 2005. From July 2002 to Decembeer 2005, Mr. Baughan was Senior Vice Presidentg and General Manager of the Commercial Aircraft the company
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Bowling partnerships was our main emphasis: Siddle - Times of India
Bowling partnerships was our main emphasis: Siddle Times of India "There is always a lot of emphasis on batting partnerships and our big emphasis coming into this summer was bowling partnerships," said the 27-year-old Victorian, who returned with match figures of 6/96 on a placid Adelaide track to earn the ... |
Friday, January 27, 2012
Old prison, new concept - Dallas Business Journal:
Day's company, , is restoring the 119-year-old Collib County Prison with plans to leasw it to one or tworestaurant operators. The uniqueness of the buildintg should bean attraction, Day said -- and McKinney needs more restaurants. "McKinney is just growing by leapssand bounds," he said. "It doesn't have enough restaurantes for thelunch period. This building woulfd fit what is needed inthe area." Bill Sproull, presiden t of the McKinney Economic Development Corp., said the city has been lookintg forward to the buildinv reopening. "The hope had been that someone wouled renovate it into a restaurant or a neatlittle shop. It has a lot of Sproull said.
"I've seen a lot of funk y old buildings turnedinto restaurants." The 19,000-square-foot prison is a "Victorian limestone structure designed by architect F.E. Located at 115 S. Kentucky, the prison is just a stone'se throw from the old town square, where a variety of shopx and antique mallscurrently operate. Construction on the prison begahnin 1874. The limestones for the buildint were carried from a quarry several miles according toJulia Vargo, the authofr of "McKinney, Tx.
The first 150 years," and a councilwoman for District 3, which includes the The prison could hold up to 80 Among its most infamous residents wereFrank James, brother of Jesse James, and Tex Watson, a follower of cult leadeer Charles Manson. In 1922 the prisonb was also home tothe state's last recorded hanging, according to a 1998 articlw in the McKinney Courier-Gazette. The gallowds were in a courtyard behind the In 1939, funds from Presiden Franklin Roosevelt's public works administratiojn paid for a modernization of the prison, whicnh remained in operation untio 1979.
Major Randy Clark, jail administratorf for Collin County, worked in the prisom during the six monthsa beforeit closed. The prisonm was successful at intimidating people, Clark said. "I t had an aura about he said. "It was almost dungeon-like. It woulx have definitely been a dramatic experience if you had nevee been init before." But the prison lost its Clark said. The electricity and plumbing often failed, and prisonerr escapes increased in the years befor the facilityfinally "The city actually considered it a condemned building," Claro said, "and the state wouldn't inspect it.
" The prison was declared a Texas Historic Landmarko in 1990, but the county decided upkeep for the building was costing too "It didn't meet any of the curreny jail standards," Harris said. "W e gave tours for a while, but then it becamre unsafe. It started (attracting vandals), so we decided to put it back intoprivatew hands." The county sold the prisomn to Paul Porras in 1996 for According to Day of DFA, Porraw "tried to develop it, but is not really a real estat person." Porras sold the building to DFA for $168,0090 on June 15.
The company beganj renovationsshortly thereafter, and plans to complete them by next
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Behringer building wins LEED gold status - Boston Business Journal:
recently received the ' Leadership in Energy and Environmental Desigb gold certification for anexisting building. The LEED Green Building Rating System, which established the criteria for judging green building operationsand construction, gave the 35-year-old buildiny in North Carolina the award for its operational and maintenancer best practices and green design features. Bank of America which is part of the Behringer Harvard REITI Inc. is the first Behringer Harvardx asset to achieve thegold rating. The commercia real estate companyinvested $70,000 in portfolii operations, equipment upgrades and employee practicess in the property.
Dallas-based Behringer Harvard projects the improvements willyieldd $200,000 in annual savings and will pay for themselves in about four Bank of America Plaza's sustainability programs include energyh audits that have lowered the property's operating expenses, plumbin retrofits that save 1.5 million gallons of water each year and greenj cleaning and recycling programs. Behringer Harvards' Houstom property Westway One previously earned LEED Silve Core andShell Certification, and 28 of the properties owned by the company'x investment programs were awarded the Energy Star labe l for their energy management strategies.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Concordia readies environmental stewardship center - Washington Business Journal:
Construction of the 13,00o square-foot, two-story building is set to beginJuly 14. The structurs will be built in Mequon on a bluff overlookint Lake Michigan and work is expected to be completedr in time for the start of the 2010 academic The total cost of the building is expectede to bebetween $3.5 million and $3.75 million and is being funded exclusively through charitable gifts already secured for the Concordia officials said the building demonstrates the university’sx commitment to environmental freshwater conservation and emphasiw on sustainable energy resources.
Plans for the centefr include laboratories, classrooms and a large seminarr room that can accommodate 200 peoplefor presentations. With its lakefront Concordia officials say the building will be a centert for the study of the Greaft Lakes and otherenvironmental issues. The building will be designesd to be a Leadership in Energ and EnvironmentalDesign (LEED) gold-level building. “Whebn completed, the center will offer many educationapl programs and research in water stewardshilp and other sustainability education topics for Concordia students as well as visiting area schools and the greater saidBruce Bessert, director of the Concordia Centere for Environmental Stewardship program.
Concordiaw has added new degrees because of the new and now offersa bachelor’ s degree in environmental studies and education with a mino r in environmental studies, and a master’s degree in education with an emphasiz on environmental education. “This new center is in line with Concordia’sd increased and continued interestf ingreen initiatives,” said William Cario, vice presideny of academics at Concordia. “Eachy of our recent building projects has been builtr to increasingenvironmental standards, especially to save energty and other resources.
” Construction is expected to be completede in time for the start of the 2010 academic The total cost of the buildinfg is expected to be between $3.5 million and $3.75 million and is beintg funded exclusively through charitable gifts already secured for the project. “Thiz new center reinforces Concordia’s efforts to creates programs that are both important to the student body and the community asa whole,” Concordia president Patrick Ferr said.
Friday, January 20, 2012
1st Private Rocket Launch to Space Station Delayed Until March - | 1st Private Rocket Launch to Space Station Delayed Until March by Denise Chow, Staff Writer The launch of the first privately built spacecraft to the International Space Station has been delayed until late March at the earliest, the company building the spaceship revealed today (Jan. 20). ... Delay for space station's 1st private cargo run |
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Conversing daily with the departed - | Conversing daily with the departed In the third instalment of our Spilling the Beans series, Olivia Carville chats to psychic medium Phyllis Brown, who has helped families who lost loved ones in the Pike River mining tragedy and February's earthquake. RARE TALENT: Phyllis Brown says she ... |
Monday, January 16, 2012
Mission to Israel yields more deals - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
Atlanta-based said Nov. 7 it will open a majof research center inKfar Israel. Also today, Israel-based will deepen Atlantas ties by investingin , a companyt commercializing network technology developed at Georgia Tech. The announcementws come as Gov. Sonny Perdue leade the Georgia Technology and Trade Missiomto Israel. "ClickFox is an Israeli-Georgia success story," Perduwe said. "This home-grown technologyu company has seenextensive growth, and I am pleased that it will expaned into Israel, strengthening Georgia's busineszs community roots in the region.
" ClickFox provideds customer behavior intelligence software that models and analyzew customers' step-by-step actions in self-service environments. It was founded by Georgia Tech researchers. Veritas Venture which already has an officein Alpharetta, will invesft an undisclosed sum in Asankya. Joining Veritas in the investmengare Atlanta-based venture fund and Steve W. a Georgia Tech alumnus and co-founder of . Asankya's patent-pending technology allows network devices to concurrently use multiplr paths ina wide-area network (WAN), which enabled a new area of networking known as "grird networking.
" Today is the second full day of the Georgiwa Technology and Trade Missiojn to Israel. The Israelp trade mission is Perdue's eightu mission since January 2003, and his firstr to the Middle
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Phoenix Business Journal honors Most Admired CEOs - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
Post, along with 25 CEOs of Arizona public andprivate companies, are beingh recognized at a dinner Tuesday night and in a specia l supplement to Friday’s print editionn of the Journal. Editor Ilanaa Lowery called the localleaders “the epitome of achievement.” “Theirf companies are successful; they’vre helped to build Valley and they’ve contributed theier time and expertise in the community on numerous levels,” she Post, for example, started his career with Pinnacls West subsidiary Arizona Public Service Co. as a draftsmanm in 1971, moving up the rankse to serve as president and CEO of the parentr company for13 years.
But he also has been a communityh leader serving as chairman of Greater PhoenixEconomic Council, where he helpecd create a group to study issues key to the region’s economifc growth. J. Doug Pruitt, Sundft Construction Inc. Doug US Airways Group Inc. Jerry Bisgrove, Stardust Cos. Steve Betts, SunCor Development Co. Rick Simonetta, Metro lighgt rail Sharon Harper, The Plaza Cos. Donald Smith Jr., SCF Arizona Robert Meyer, Phoenix Children’s Hospital Kimberluy McWaters, Universal Technical InstituteRichard Boals, Blue Cross Blue Shieled of Arizona Susan Frank, Desert Schools Federao Credit Union Jonah Shacknai, Medicizs Pharmaceutical Corp.
Jim Tuton, American Traffic Solutions Inc. Derrick Arizona Diamondbacks Roy Vallee, Avnet Inc. Todd Davis, LifeLocjk Inc. Richard Silverman, Salt River Projecty Philip Francis, PetSmart Inc. David McIntyre Jr., TriWest Healthcarre Alliance Mike Ahearn, First Solar Inc. Neil Irwin, Bryab Cave LLP Rhonda Forsyth, John C. Lincolj Health Network Brad Henkel ConsumerGoods Inc. Dave Dexter, Sonora Quest Laboratories Linds Hunt, St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center “It wasn’ easy narrowing down the Valley’sd Most Admired CEOs to just Lowery said.
“But as we shine the spotlightt onthis year’s winners, keep in mind that a strong business communit y is key to developint future leaders.” Selections were made based on feedback solicited from the Journal’sa newsroom, peers and others in the businesw community. To subscribe or order a copy of the June 12 issue that includes thespecialk publication:
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Monday, January 9, 2012
Homebuilders want wood stork protections downgraded - Jacksonville Business Journal:
“The continued listing of the wood storkl under the Endangered Species Act has blocked developmentt and mining projects that couldf have provided jobs for said StevenGeoffrey Gieseler, managing attorney with the ’a Atlantic Center office in Stuart, whicy is representing the association. Ken a spokesman for the U.S. Fish and Wildlifew Service, said the wood storm population has shown signs of stabilizing at 8,000 nesting pairs or 16,000 breedint adults.
He said even if the wood stormk is downgradedto “threatened” status, that won’t necessarily mean any greatedr freedom to build on its “When you talk about the Endangered Species Act, and threatenedx versus endangered, it’s a dubious distinction. It still means the specieds is not doing well and it is protecte underthe act," Warren said. "It doesn’ft weaken existing protections, nor does it make it easier or harder to build in woodstorlk habitat.” A recent five-year review of the wood stork’sx numbers suggested it is doing better and coulds theoretically be downgraded, but it was only a he added.
The wood stork, prevalentt in Central and South Florida, was listed as in 1984. The petitionj cites a 2007 federal review that founxd the reclassification is warranted because the wood stork numbers are increasinbg in thesoutheastern U.S.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Manchester United, Rooney deny report of his impending departure - New York Post (blog) | Manchester United, Rooney deny report of his impending departure New York Post (blog) MANCHESTER, England -- Manchester United and Wayne Rooney emphatic » |
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Asking prices highest in the Willows - StarPhoenix
Asking prices highest in the Willows StarPhoenix That's according to Dale Neufeld, owner of, who tracked more than 1600 properties listed for sale on in 2011 and found the average asking price in the Willows golf community was $665975. Norm Fisher, associate broker with ... |
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Treasury Department selling TARP warrants at 34% discount - Business First of Louisville:
Through the Troubled Asset Relief knownas TARP, the Treasury Departmentr purchased preferred stock and warrants from bankxs in an effort to prop up lending. Warrants, whichj give the holder the right to buya company’s stocmk at some point in the future for a specifix price, presented a lot of potential upsids for taxpayers, should bank stock prices rise abovwe the face value of the warrants. Many banks have sought to buy back their preferre d shares and warrantsfrom Treasury.
“Because the warrants that accompaniesd TARP assistance represent the only opportunity for the taxpayer to participate directly in the increase in the share prices of banks made possible by public the price at which the warrantws are sold is thepanel said. The panel, charged with determining whether taxpayersd are receiving maximum benefit fromthe TARP, conducted its own valuatiohn of the warrants the Treasury It found that the 11 banks that have repurchasexd their warrants from the Treasury for a total amount that the panel estimates to be only 66 perceng of current market value, shortchanging taxpayers by $10 The Treasury is still in the early stage of its warrant repurchase program, and the panepl acknowledges that the prices thus far may not be representatives of what is to
Sunday, January 1, 2012
County cuts budget by $22.3 million, expects more cuts this summer - Austin Business Journal:
million, and may need to make similart cutsnext year. The board has projected a totalof $46 million in cuts over the next two years, said Chai r Ted Wheeler. The full budget for fiscao year 2010, which begins July 1, is $1.2 The board believes its budgety will shrink this summer when the state determines how tomake $4.2 billio n in cuts. The state funds many county health and humanservicez programs. Multnomah County’s general fund, which includes its discretionaryspending dollars, is set at $380 million, or 7 percent lower than in fiscal year 2009. Many count workers have foregone annual wageand cost-of-livinf increases, Wheeler said in April upon releasing his proposedx budget.
Commissioners restored $1.7 million in funding from Wheeler’d proposed budget. More funding will go toward the Homeless BenefitsRecovery Project, thred district attorneys and the Regional Arts and Culturs Council, among other departments.