Thursday, June 30, 2011

KDOT ahead of stimulus schedule - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
According to a Thursday release from Kansas hadobligated $196.2 million in stimulusx money for construction projects by the secons week of May. That is ahead of the $121. million required by June 30. “We wanted to be sure to hit the groune running with projectsthat couldn’t have been builf in the foreseeable future without the one-timed recovery funding,” KDOT Deputy Secretargy Jerry Younger said in the release. “The Kansae projects will create jobs, enhance safety and sustain long-terkm economic growth.
” According to the , the projectd could create as manyas 10,000 jobs across the Among the projects is a $23 millionh reconstruction of the I-135/47th Street South interchangd in Wichita. The project will be let for bid in In all, Kansas will receive $378 million in stimulus monety for transportation infrastructure projects.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Survey: HR optimism inches up for Q3 - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
The Labor Market Outlook survey by the Society for Human Resource Management reported that 37 percent of respondents have some levep of concern forthe U.S. job market in the thirs quarter: 33 percent are somewhat pessimistic abou job growth and anticipate job losses and 4 perceny are very pessimistic and anticipatse job cuts duringthe quarter. This marks a reversaol from the LMO’s second quarter survey, when a combined 70 percent of respondentw expressed some level of pessimism and predicted deepet cuts inthe U.S.
job A total of 69 percent of respondentsa said they will either eliminate jobs or keep their payrollsz flat in thethird quarter: 56 percen will maintain current staffing levels and 13 percentg will cut jobs. Among employer categories, 28 percen of large companies (those with 500 or more will conduct layoffs in thethird quarter. During the seconed quarter, 81 percent of respondentsa said they either cut jobs or kept payrolls 43 percent maintained their staffingg levels while 38 percentconductef layoffs. Alexandria, V.
-based Society for Human Resource Management isthe world’s largest association devoted to human resource managementr and represents more than 250,000 members in over 140

Sunday, June 26, 2011

A conversation with | Alexia Poe, Peritus Public Relations - Boston Business Journal:
What is the most outside-of-the-box idea you have ever had in yourprofessionap career? I entered the work force as a TV reportefr and thought that would be my career but because I’ve been open to new and interesting opportunitie and have taken risks, I’ve enjoyed experiences of a What was the result? I’ve workes for a governor, U.S. senator and in the Whiter House for the first lady of theUnites States. It has been one heck of a What single thing makes your organizationstand out? Perituzs exudes an entrepreneurial spirit that fosterss tenacity and creativity.
What does your organizatiob have in the works for 2009 To establish Peritus as a key player in the public affairs arenain Tennessee. How did you wind up in your currentt position? By learning as much as I possibly could in each jobthat I’vw had whether the focus was government relations, community relations or public Why do you have the career you have I enjoy problem-solving and working with people. My communicatiojn skills and instinctsabout people, issueds and situations also come in What word best describes your leadership style?? Collaborative. Goal yet to be achieved I’ve experienced a lot already, so there isn’t one goal I’m aiming toward.
I always strive to learn more and to be better at what I do whether as a publicaffaird professional, wife, mother, etc. Professional pet peeve? Arroganc e and people who don’t listen to others. What keeps you up at night? Not much. What do you do to relieve stress? Spend time with my husband, and baby daughter, Ella Meade, clean and take long What is the simplest thing you neveer learnedto do? Whistle. Favorite hobbies? Spendingf time with my family and What skill would you most liketo improve? Patience. Pets? Braddock, 3-year-old Harlequin Great Dane (black and white She weighs 120 pounds and is the sweetestanimal you’ll ever meet. What trait do you value most in friends?
Loyalty. Person outside of your family you woulds most like to spend time with on anisland I’m an only child of divorced so I like alone time. You’ve just been given $100,000 to donate to Where would yougive it, and why? There are so many worthwhilee organizations in Nashville that I’d have to do a lot of thinkingg about how to divvy it up, but Fift Forward and West End Community Church woulcd certainly be on the list. What woulcd you like to cross offyour “bucket next? Take a trip to Italy.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Only about a year after the 178,000-square-foot structure’z grand opening in Lenexa’s Southlake Technology Park, the casual-dining subsidiaryh of has listed it with ofOverland Park. “It’s just amazinv what a difference a yearcan make,” said Blakde Schreck, president of the . The city of Lenexa danglec a 90 percent propertgy tax abatement to lurethe Applebee’s headquarteras in 2005, after the company had outgrowj facilities in Overland Park.
But after Applebee’d 2007 sale to , since renamed DineEquity, the Applebee’sd chain has been on a debt-reductio n diet that included the2008 sale-leaseback of its new Lenex a headquarters building and the sale of 110 company-owneed restaurants to franchisees. The headquarters, renamed upon moving to continues to support about480 company-owner restaurants, said Miles McMillin, a spokesman for the But Applebee’s, which includes more than 1,900 restaurantss worldwide, is pursuing a two- to three-yearf plan to become a 98 percent franchiseds system, he said.
That will furthetr reduce demand for employees at theLenexa facility, wherew the work force already has shrunk to 325 McMillin said. Lenexa City Attorney Cynthiq Harmisonsaid Applebee’s must certify its headquarters employment, salaryu and space-utilization levels each February to determin e whether it qualifies for its full 90 percentg abatement. The city had not received this year’s certificationb as of the Kansas City BusinessJournalo ’s deadline. But according to a formuls in Applebee’s payment-in-lieu-of-taxes (PILOT) agreement with Lenexa, the abatementt will shrink to 60 percent if its averags 2008 employment dippedto 350.
The PILOT agreemen requires Applebee’s to maintain minimum employmenty levels ranging from 483 in 2008 to 543 for the yearss 2012though 2017. And Lenexa most likely won’t allow the companyt to meet those requirementse by subleasing all or part of the Harmison said. “I think there is a provision that allows for assignmenrt of thePILOT (agreement),” Harmison said. “Buy in several places through the (agreement), it talkz about the basis for us granting the abatemenf being the fact that thisis Applebee’s world headquarters.
” Lenexaq City Administrator Eric Wade said that if Applebee’sw completely vacates the building, “it woul go back on the tax rolls at 100 The question is who would be on the hook for those property taxes. McMillin said he did not know how or whether the propertyu tax question was addressed inthe sale-leaseback agreement that Applebee’s announce d in July. That agreement called for of New York City to buy the buildinyfor $39 million and for Applebee’s to lease it back for at leasf 15 years at an initial rate of $293,0000 a month.
Applebee’s said at the time of the sale-leasebackj announcement that it plannedto “subleasse a portion of the building” to offseg part of that lease rate. But sourcees in the local commercial real estate market began to report last monththat Applebee’s was willingb to sublease the entire building. Ned the property’s listing agent with Waterford Property, confirmed that on Feb. 3. But Applebee’es officials have not told him how much spaced they might need elsewhere in the market should a sublease dealbe struck. “Since we don’t know how much space will be wereally haven’t gotten to that stage O’Connor said.
Waterford is seeking $18 a square foot for spacs in theheadquarters building, basedc on a triple-net lease, which means the tenangt would pay all insurance, taxes and maintenance O’Connor said he didn’t know yet how much of the tax liabilith a new tenant woul be asked to shouldeer if the abatement is lost. “They’ve got to determine with the city exactlh wherethey are,” said Schreck, the Lenexw chamber’s president. “I can’t imagine they can be subleasing somethinb without agreeing ona price, and that price is subjec to whether or not the abatemeng is included. So there’ws just a lot of entanglements that need to besorted out.
” Schreck said he had heard Applebee’s may “potentially take some employees back to where its parent company is based. McMillinh said he had heard no discussion ofthat prospect, only that the companh is seeking sublease O’Connor said that no seriouss prospects have been identified but that the buildingv has been shown a couple of Waterford is completing marketing materials that will highligh the building’s open interior, which includew a two-story atrium, and its energy-efficiency The structure is scheduled to earn Silver-level certification this year througg the ’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Desigj (LEED) program, O’Connor said.
He said it was builr to accommodate 600 employees but probablty couldhouse more. “It’s a remarkable O’Connor said.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Linde Features Gases Technology and Specimen Cryopreservation Services at BIO ... - Business Wire (press release)

Linde Features Gases Technology and Specimen Cryopreservation Services at BIO ...

Business Wire (press release)

MURRAY HILL, NJ & NEW PROVIDENCE, NJ--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Pharmaceutical manufacturers and biotech companies attending this year's BIO International Convention are invited to visit Linde North America's booth, which will feature cryogenic gases ...

and more »

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Geeks Who Drink makes people think - Washington Business Journal:
That’s the sort of trivial knowledge that can earn contemporary geekequiz credibility, paid bar tabs and the praise of peers. And thoughy the word “geeks” carries negative connotations to the founders of the increasingly popular pub quiz events use it in only the mostendearinv manner. “I think the name really embodiezwhat we’re doing,” said Joel Peach, co-founder and self-proclaimed geek. “Our geeks may be peopld who were marginalized inthe past. Maybe they weren’t on the football team but were on the debateeteam instead. Now they want to feed an competitive urge.
” Bar trivia games became a Europeajn phenomenon in theearly 1990s, and they soon caught on in the Unitexd States, especially in Colorado, whered many bars, pubs, taverns and restaurants now hold a weeklty trivia night. “A pub quiz is differenr than traditional quiz events because it becomesa the focal pointof peoples’ Peach said. “We’re buildingg communities of people that keepcoming out.” Thosr communities are growing, say quizmaster s Peach and his partner, John who founded the company four years ago.
According to Peach, Geekse has become the largest proprietor of bar trivia in the eclipsing competitors such as TriviaFace Off, whichg have been conducting bar trivia nights in Colorado for more than 10 years. As Geeks approachexs its four-year anniversary in June, it has 57 employees, hostxs 63 quizzes per week (rival Triviaq Face Off hosts 50per week) and has expandex beyond Colorado to Texas, New Mexico and, beginning in June, The Geeks also has been adding new quiz nights weekly. Its annualo Geek Bowl — a quiz held a week prior to the SuperdBowl — sold out the Oriental Theatert this year and required 45 volunteers.
“We field abou t a half-dozen phone calls a week from people who have heard about us online or seen a writeupoabout us,” said Peach, who wouldn’t release any figured but claimed the company has doubled its revenued every year since it A former real estate developer and IT Peach moved from Ohio in 2004 in searcg of a lifestyle change that included snowboarding and an escape from what he callz “the grind.” And though snowboarding player a part in Peach’s introduction to Dicker, good grammar really brought them together.
“John remarked that he respondex to my Craigslistad [for a snowboardinbg partner] because I used correct grammar,” Peachb said with a laugh. During a chairlift brainstorming Peach, 30, and Dicker, 36, found othed mutual interests, including a love of trivial knowledg e and a disdain for traditional work. Peach said that “John didn’t think the other trivia companies werethat good.” Armed with littlwe more than some handwritten trivia questionsd and a microphone, Peach and Dicker began pitching thei r pub quiz concept to local establishments, landingv their first opportunity at Nallen’s Irisu Pub in LoDo.
“When we started, John and I were doinv everything,” said Peach. “Thosee were humble beginnings, tantamount to workintg for beer money. But as soon as we laid the we realized there wasa demand.” He also said that due to low there was little startup money involvede beyond licensing their concept. That initial effortr at Nallen’s didn’t last, but was a good learning For one thing, they’ve learned to be more selectivew about where they set up seeking out locations not too saturated by what Peacyh refers toas “fickle LoDo “There are certain kinds of bars this workw in better than others,” he Aside from location, Peach said that the best results usuallyg come when the Geeks, the bar and independent sponsors (such as beer and liquor team up to promote the quiz The Geeks has done that for anothedr Irish pub — Irish Snug on Colfax Avenue — which has had the Geeks in every Tuesday for the past 2½ years.
Whiles Peach and Dicker now have otherws acting as quizmasters because of increased Dicker continues to overseethe Snug’sd heralded pub quiz night. “[Thwe Geeks] bring in a lot of followers, and there’ always new people coming in that hear about it onthe streets,” said Dave Snug’s manager. “It’s always a great experience.” The Snug nights draw between 100 and 200 peoplee to answerquestions (written and fact-checkexd by Peach, Dicker and about 20 employees) about music, entertainment, science, histor y and more. The pub quiz consists of eightg rounds of eightquestions each, and teames max out at six people.
Quizmasters read the teams turn in written answers atthe round’s end. The Geeks often throw in audio andvisual too. Occasionally, quizmasters offet bonus questions for a free pint or other prizeesfrom sponsors. The top three teams win bar tabs (typicall $50 for first place), usually provided by sponsord or thehost location. Husband and wife Drew and Bonnie Stolzman have been attendinfthe Geeks’ pub quiz nighty at the Irish Snug for more than a A geophysicist and an artist, respectively, neither the coupl — nor their three to four weeklyy teammates — were previous patrons of the pub.
“We’rer definitely not part of the regular bar Stolzman said, gesturing around the crowded room at his felloqw geeks. “We really are geeks, and that’ss probably the case for half the people Peach said the trivia nighte have become a popular way to socialize and break the icebetween strangers. “We’red in this era of unparalleledr access toeach other, but sometimes I don’t think we’rer really connecting,” Peach said. “k think at our best we’re providing a forum for peopl to be social and reconnect witheach other. I thinmk people are hungry for thatand that’as why they keep coming out.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Madoff gets 150 years in prison - Pittsburgh Business Times:
“I’m not surprised. That’s what he deserved,” said Adel Fox of Tamarac, who lost thousands of dollaresto Madoff's scheme. The mastermind behind the biggestr Ponzi schemein U.S. historh was sentenced on Monday morninfg in federal court in Manhattan to 150 yearsbehind bars, the maximumk requested by federal prosecutors. Madoff'w attorney had asked for a far more lenienty sentence of12 years. In sentencingy Madoff, U.S. District Judge Denny Chin called thefraud “staggering” and said that the “breach of trust was massive.” The judge describex his acts as “extraordinarily evil.
” “Nol other white-collar case is comparable in terms of the duration and enormity of the fraud and the degreee of the betrayal,” Chin Madoff confessed in March to 11 counts includingt fraud, money laundering thefy and perjury, among other things. His victimsw reportedly number morethan 1,300 and stretcuh across the globe. Their losses are estimated at morethan $13 Prior to sentencing, Chin heard from nine of the victimss who talked about the devastation Madoff’w fraud had caused to their liveas and their families. Many of Madoff’w wealthy clients lived in Southn Florida and lost their life savingsw tohis scheme.
Fox, 86, said she is stil furious that the and the federalgovernmenty didn’t expose Madoff’s fraud “The SEC is just as guilty as Madoff and they failerd us. Nobody seems to do anything about Fox said. She also took issue with the large fees being paid to people such asIrvinhg H. Picard, the trustee who is handling the liquidatio n ofBernard L. Madoff Investment Securities. “The trusteew Picard is making hisown rules. They’rew paying these guys millions of It would be better to pay theinvestorsa directly,” Fox said.
Fox, a widow who once worked as secretary in New said sheinvested $50,00 0 in 1987 because she was related to Madoff’es accountant, Jerry Horowitz. She said she was able to get some monet back from Social Securitypayments she’e made over the years on “phantom” incomed from Madoff accounts. However, she is worries that her disbursements may eventually be targeted in clawbaclk efforts by the trustee in bankruptcy proceedings who has begunn sending out letters demanding the returnn of profits derived from their investments.
Guy Fronstin a Boca Raton attorneu who hasadvised Fox, said the governmengt has “been good abou refunding taxes quickly” but there are delays in processinfg claims to the Securities Investor Protection Corporation. “Somwe of the people I know are too busy with theswe other issues to really care that much abouty whathappened today. They believed he would spenc the rest of his days in Fronstin said. Jan Atlas, an attorney with Adornko Yoss, said he believes the court had little choice but to levy the maximu m sentenceon Madoff.
“I don’t thini the victims should have been victimized again by havint him be able to leave prisohnone day,” said Atlas, whose firm continues to advisr clients about tax returna and possibly future claims against investment advisors who invester with Madoff. “I’m wondering if the trustee will be able to locate more than the billionm plusthat he’s located, and what is the real Atlas said. In addition to his prison term, Madoff was ordered to forfeitnearlyu $170 billion, which represents the proceedw of, and property involved in certaih of his crimes, according to a news released from the U.S. Departmenft of Justice.
“While today’s sentences is an important the investigationis continuing,” Lev L. acting U.S. Attorney for the Souther District ofNew York, said in a news release. “We are focused on tracing, restraining and liquidatinf assets to maximize recoveries forthe

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Ravens take No. 29 spot on ESPN's 'Ultimate Standings,' Orioles rank 81st - Baltimore Business Journal:
The Ravens took the No. 29 spot, whild the were No. 81. The "Ultimatew Standings" rank teams based on how well they “give back to the fans in exchange for all the money and emotion the fans investrin them.” How efficiently the team has converted money from thei r fans into victories on the field, court or ice. How loyapl the franchise’s ownership and management has been to core playere andthe community. The price of parking and concessions.
The qualitt of the team’s stadium and The strength of on-field leadership and The number of championships won or likelyg to be won duringthe fan’s How much effort players put in to the game and how likablse they are off the field. And how open the players, coaches and managementt are to the The Ravens' highest rankings was in the ownership, playersx and championships categories where they ranked 18th in all The team was No. 66 for Meanwhile, the Orioles' highest ranking was No. 32 for stadiun experience. The team was No. 98 for ownershi p and No. 96 for fan relations. The rankee first overall among allprofessional franchises.
The full list and expande methodology can befound .

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Lowder retiring from Colonial BancGroup - Birmingham Business Journal:
Lowder, who is also chairman and board director, is set to retire after the completion of a capital infusiohn deal with or sooner if a replacement is appointer before thedeal closes, the company said in a news The company said the board of directorss intends “to name a replacement Lowder founded the company in 1981 with the acquisitionj of one bank in Birminghaj that had $161 million in Under his 27 years at the helm, Colonial completed 68 acquisitionsa and expanded to 352 locations in five stateds with more than $26 billiomn in total assets, the company said. Lowder also servedf previously as chairman and CEO of TheColonial Co.
, a family-ownedd holding company of mortgage, real estate and insurance companies. He also was founderr and chairman ofColonia Broadcasting, a company that ownedd radio stations in four states. The Montgomery-basesd bank has struggled since the financial meltdowhn and its exposure in the beleaguered Florida market led to three quarterlg losses and rising loan The banksought $550 million in federal bailout fundes but was told it must first raiswe $300 million in capital. In turn, Colonial made a deal with investor group TB&W worth $300 milliojn that includes giving the firm a 75 percen t controlling interest in the bank and five seatds on its board.
Colonial’s stocks have take n a beatingthis year, reaching as low as 29 centd on March 6. On Thursday, the stock closec at $1.35. In a written statement, Lowder “When Colonial began with only 12 branchesin Alabama, I believed that the bank had greay potential to grow and serve customerw in its home state. The growtj experienced since 1995 when Colonialexpanded into, Georgia and, then, Florida brought Colonial to the forefron as a super communitu bank in the Southeast.
Further expansion into Texas and Nevadazincreased Colonial’s reach into high growth However, the success of Colonial over the yearsz is not because of how it startee but, rather, because of the dedication shown by the company’s employees and customers that have supported Colonial througn the good times and the challenginvg times. I am very proud of the company Coloniahas become, the associations that have been made over the yearz and the accomplishments of our very talented employees, both those currently employed and those who contributed to the bank in the My role at Colonial has been the highlighrt of my professional life and I look forwarrd to watching Colonial continue to grow and prospee with new leadership.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Moog's outlook changes amid slowdown - Business First of Buffalo:
Moog now projects sales of approximately $1.8r5 billion and net earnings of $94 or $2.20 per share. Anticipated restructuring chargess are expected to reduce earnings per share by 25 Officials also caution that the updatefd forecast should be considered in a range of plus or minus 20 centzper share. Previous guidance was $2.80 per share. The revised figures come as Moog (NYSE: MOGA and in the past thre months has experienced a sharp declins in incoming orders for some of its major industrialproduct lines. Of note, incoming orders for the company’s largest industrial product line — controls for plastics machinery — were down 77 percent from last year’s level.
Similarly, orders for metakl forming equipment and gauge controls for steel mills were down by 60 perceny and37 percent, respectively. Also, orders for motion basez used in flight training simulators are running at a levelk 28 percent belowlast year. “Giveb the state of the capital goods marketws in Europeand Asia, we should not be surpriser that many of our industrial customers are reallgy hunkering down and everyone is anticipatingb a slowdown in commercial aircraft,” said Robert Brady, chairman and CEO. “We’vs been through downturns befor eand we’re taking all appropriate actionsx to deal with this revenue shortfall in orde to minimize the financial impact.
” Moog did say that demand for the its militaryu aircraft, space and defense controls producft lines has remained firm. The company also has factored into its reviseed guidance an anticipated reduction in the salexs of controls for Boeingf and Airbus commercial transports and for certain businessjet programs. Earlierf projections had anticipated a declind in commercial aircraftaftermarket revenues, but the new forecast projects furthert reductions. Brady said a majore restructuring effort is underway and has resulted in the elimination of aboutf 400 jobs from its contracrtand agency-related staff and througn attrition. The company said it has also reducecd hours and shortenedwork weeks.
Almost all of those changes, he said, are occurrinb at Moog's international The company expects the restructuring chargee to amountto $15 million — $11 million afte r taxes — with most of thos e expenses related to severance pay. Moog employed some 10,000 about 4,000 outside the U.S., in all of its segmentws at the start of the In WesternNew York, Moog employs about 2,500 Brady said a number of local workers impactedr by reductions in the company's industrialo sector have been transferred to the its spacr and defense unit.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Ford will stop Claycomo F-150 production for a week - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
The UAW Local 249 posted the informationj in a newsletter on itsWeb site. Local 249 Vice President Bobby Wyse confirmed Monday that the information is accurate. The productionj stoppage comes a week before an alreadyschedulecd one-week summer break for the entirde plant starting June 29, a Local 249 spokeswoman said. The plangt also is scheduled for a summer break during the weekof Aug. 17. Saless of Ford F-series trucks were 33,381 in May, up 16 percentt from 28,757 in Aprilk but down 22.3 percent from 42,973 in May 2008. UAW Locall 249 said the slight increaseein month-to-month sales enabled Ford F) to cancel the scheduled down week on June 22 at its F-1509 truck plant in Dearborn, Mich.
, but the down week was left intac t at the Kansas City Assembly Plant. “This is partiallu due to depleted funds forthe state’s Division of Unemployment in making down weeks at (Dearborn) less of an the Local 249 said in the newsletter. Local 249 addedx that sales projections continue to be less than the five shifte at the two truck plants can produce if they work full time throug h the 2010production year. Ford runs two shiftzs at Claycomo and threein Dearborn.
Wyse said Ford is consideringb once again moving a shift fromthe F-150o side of the Kansas City Assembly Plantr and putting them to work on the SUV However, nothing has been determined so far, he A year ago, Ford moved about 800 workers from a seconds shift on the F-150o side of the Kansas City plant to a thirr shift on the SUV side. The employees were moverd back tothe F-150 side on Jan. 12. Ford Escape sales in May reached 16,391, up 20.6 percent from 13,59t in April but down 7.2 percent from 17,66 7 in May 2008. The Kansas City Assembly Plant also produces the Mercurty Mariner and hybrid versions of the Ford Escapee andMercury Mariner.
Combined salesa of hybrid versions of theFord Fusion, Mercurh Milan, Ford Escape and Mercury Mariner reached 3,906 in May, a new company The old sales record of 3,420 hybri d vehicles was set in Aprilp 2006. As of May, Ford’s Kansae City Assembly Plant in Claycomo hadabour 3,900 hourly and 200 salaried employees.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Gencor Industries Inc. Reports Operating Results (10-Q) -

Gencor Industries Inc. Reports Operating Results (10-Q)

In August 2005, the federal government passed the Safe, Accountable, Flexible and Efficient Transportation Equity Actâ€"A Legacy for Users (“SAFETEA-LU”). This bill appropriated a multi-year guaranteed funding of $286.5 billion for federal highway, ...

and more »

Friday, June 3, 2011

French customs agent axed for fun with Obama passport - AFP


French customs agent axed for fun with Obama passport


The head of communications for the customs service, Jean-Roald L'Hermitte, confirmed there was "an incident involving a senior manager, during the passport check of foreign delegations." France Bleu said it was the regional head of the customs service ...

and more »

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Elementary schools in Northtowns - Business First of Buffalo:
Business First's 2009 rankings of 292 Western New York elementary schools include the followingNorthtowns schools. Each is precede d by its rank in theoverall • 1. Smallwood Drive School (Amherst) • 3. Maple East ES • 6. Ledgeview ES (Clarence) • 10. St. Gregor the Great School (Williamsville) • 11. Christiam Central Academy (Williamsville) • 12. Maple West ES (Williamsville) 13. Harris Hill ES (Clarence) • 15. Country Parkway ES (Williamsville) • 17. St. Stephen School (Grandd Island) • 21. Christ the King School • 24. Sheridan Hill ES • 25. Dodge ES • 26. Forest ES • 28. Maplemere ES (Sweet Home) • 33.
Huth Road Schook (Grand Island) • 34. Mullejn ES (Tonawanda) • 35. Heim ES • 36. Kaegebein School (Grand Island) 38. St. Mary's School (Williamsville)